



Fortunatelly, they won the basketball game.


I am so sorry that I can't remember your name.But I can remember you.You are a very interesting teacher.You must have heard about the earthquake in Wenchuan.I am really sorry for it.It's lucky that we were in Shanghai and no student got hurt.Thank you for your concern,...


1. cumbersome 2. burthen 3. tired 4. accumulate (ACC)Examples:1. 我真是累极了,简直可以睡上一整天。I'm so tired I could sleep for a whole day.2. 我累得再也走不动了。I was too tired to walk any further.3. 他又热又累,头直发晕。He was hot and tired and his head...


英语 一 1、 Argument 2、 Suit 3、 Disagree 4、 pollute 5、 Suggestion 6、 Politely 7、 Mice 8、 Usefui 9、 Its 10、 Surprised 11、 Decision 12、 Fortunate 13、 Lucky 14、 Borrow 15、 Companies 16、 Freedom 二fewer least more most crazier craziest fatter fatest more excellent...


Going to the U.S. in 1923 to study literature,she wrote down her impressions on the way and during her stay there. These were published in the collection To Little Readers. The book brought her instant fame,not only because she was a woman writer,but also because of the ...


FORTUNAE好熟悉,是什么?fortunate?fortune?或者是FORTRAN语言(笑)……再说一句,问主啊,我帮你编程统计词频等一些概率 那听起来还不错 不过涉及到些希奇古怪的语言文字,那就算了 郁闷哪,一心想着先拿第一行研究看看,结果研究进去了,居然搞忘了还有第二行;不过第一行都有了,第二行也...


He did not care anything except the affection. I kept silence for 9 years, and was waiting for the moment.9-year later, the prince met the princess again. And it was fortunate that she hadn't got marriage, and still as beautiful as before. The prince couldn't keep himself ...


1.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。2.A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。3.A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。4.A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。5.A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛...


1992 Fortunate Son(幸运的儿子) by Lewis B. Puller Jr. 1991 Jackson Pollock(杰克逊·波洛克) by Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith 1990 Machiavelli in Hell(马基雅维里在地狱) by Sebastian de Grazia 1989 Oscar Wilde(奥斯卡·王尔德) by Richard Ellmann 1988 Look Homeward: A Life of Thomas Wolfe...


It's she that made me laugh. 正确。强调句型是: It's ... that...,这里强调主语,你只要把It's和that 去掉就是一个完整的句子。
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