


In the library 作文

"In the library"这个题目的英语作文可以从以下几个方面写: 介绍图书馆的环境和设施,如何利用图书馆资源进行学习和研究; 分享自己在图书馆的学习经历和感受,例如如何选择适合自己的书籍、如何制定学习计划等; 探讨图书馆对于个人和社会的意义,如何促进知识传播和文化交流; 提出建议,如何更好地利用图书馆资源进行学习和...


The library is the most important part of our university.Marking a proper use of it will certainly help you very much in your study.Now,look at the diagram below.To the right of the doors there me shelves with a lot of current periodicals.The new issues are so arranged that ...

In the library(用英语写作文,在图书馆内看书的注意事项)

In the library ,you must be quiet.Don't shout and make noise.You can look for your books,then borrow them,and read them.You can't take them out of the libary,and you must return them on time.


Today, Wang took us to the library.In the library door, a gray-haired old teacher told us a lot of library rules. Subsequently, Wang gave each made a library card.When I get a library card, excited. The library is very quiet, rows shelves, a layer lattice book makes me ...


关于图书馆英语高一作文1 On the weekend I like to spend time in library. I like reading books. There are many people in the library, but it is very quiet. Nobody talks in the room, only the sound of page turning. I’m very interested in the space, so I read a lot...


is very strict with us. She always tells us to return the books on time. She is also very helpful.Once I wanted to borrow a book but forgot the name. I told Miss Yang the content of the book. A few days later, she helped me find it. I thanked her over and over....


themselves. If you want to borrow or return books, the librarians at the circulation desk will he at your service. If you want to photocopy some good articles from books, you can go to the leftmost end of the room. The photocopy machine in the corner will do it for you ...


The library is very interesting. There is a book reading room, a lounge, and some science and technology exhibitions. The most interesting is the science and technology experience Museum. I like that place best.这座城市最大的图书馆是在市中心。去到那里我们一般是坐车或者是走路。坐...


1.This book 5 days later will have to return.2.Library in the morning 8 o'clock opening, in the afternoon 5 o'clock closure.


First,forbiding to talk with the other.Second,forbiding to take bags into the library.Third,forbiding to eat.Forth,forbiding to listening to music.Fifth,forbiding to take umbrella into the library.Please keep quiet,but you will feel free to ask the librarian for assistance with ...
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