
翻译Lene Marlin的It's ture歌词


Lene Marlin的《Story》 歌词

歌曲名:Story 歌手:Lene Marlin 专辑:Another Day Lene Marlin - Story I heard about your story from a friend To let go and make an end, that's what you did You left some words saying now it would be good You knew they'd cry, but you hoped they understood Things you've ...

求Lene Marlin sorry的中文歌词

歌手: Lene Mar 专辑:《Another Day》Lene Marlin - Sorry 琳恩玛莲-抱歉 Do you wanna know, what I think of you 你想知道吗,我想你 Do you wanna know 你想知道 Do you wanna know, if I'm doing OK 你想知道,如果我做的好 Just ask and I'll say 只是问,我会说 I'll say ...

whatever it takes-Lene Marlin的歌词中文意思

I'll tell you fairy tales 我会留着灯,为你讲童话 Whatever it takes to make you feel safe 用尽所有方法让你觉得安心 I promise you now, they will disappear 我现在向你保证,一切会过去 I'll take you back home, they won't find you there 我会带你回家,他们不会再惊扰你 ...

Lene Marlin的Stting down here这首歌的中文歌词

I won't try it once again 我不会再次回头 You may think that I'm a loser 你也许以为我是个笨蛋 That I don't really care 但是我真的不在乎了 You may think that it's all forgotten 也许你想当什么事都没有发生过 But you should be aware 但是你要知道 Cause I've learned to ...

Is it true,Lene Marlin

Lene Marlin - Is it true 是不是?

请问琳恩玛莲lene marlin_From This Day 歌词的翻译

。。现在我们 就这样吧。。。--- 这是我最爱的歌 只是当初没想到结局会那么凄凉 以上所译的歌词纯粹是有感而发 如果有不对的地方 请见谅。

lene marlin-sitting down here的歌词翻译

Sitting down here-Lene Marlin 坐在这儿(琳恩·玛莲)I'm sitting down here but hey U can't see me.我坐在这儿,但你看不见我。Ur words cut rather deeply.你的言辞真犀利。They're just some other lies.那不过是另一些谎言。I'm hiding from a distance.我远远的躲开。I've got 2 ...

Lene Marlin How Would it Be中文歌词

2011-04-18 求lene marlin 的it's ture 的中文歌词 2 2008-08-23 求Lene Marlin sorry的中文歌词 13 2013-08-23 Lene Marlin的《Story》 歌词 2012-02-29 lene marlin 的it s true 歌词带翻译谁有... 2007-02-18 有谁知道LENE MARLIN的《STORY》的中文歌词? 3 2010-08-31 would you be hap...
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