
这句话如何翻译?what's up? I haven't seen you...


英语翻译 what's up?I haven't seen you in ages

'是啥东东, 这有的像乱码吧?我猜测可能是代表“'”,替换到这句里就是:What's up? I have't seen you in (应该用for) ages. 那意思就是:出什么事了?我好长时间没见你了.很奇怪,乱码里的amp根本就发不出去,不管是从你的原句复制,还是手动键入.

...歌曲Vienna - Billy Joel和Why Can't I? - Liz Phair 的中文翻译

Where's the fire, what's the hurry about? 火在哪里,着什么急?You better cool it off before you burn it out 在点火之前,最好知道如何熄灭 You got so much to do and only so many hours in a day 你还有这么多东西要学,而一天的光阴却如此有限 But you know that when the ...

急求califorlia hotel 歌词的中文翻译

they livin' it up at the hotel california.他们在加州旅馆尽情狂欢。 what a nice surprise,好得令人吃惊, bring your alibis.使你有来到这的借口。 mirrors on the ceiling,天花板上镶嵌着的镜子, the pink champagne on ice.冰镇着的粉色香槟 and she said"we are all just prisoners here-她说我们都是...

...Timberlake, Pharoahe Monch and Will I Am的歌词

Torn between what side she needs to be on Haven't slept for days I squeeze Visine Cause no man's eyes should see what I've seen Soldiers lost their mind Robbin, pillagin Tomahawk missiles into civilian villages And they ease the pain with narcotics I'm scared but I'm tryin...

雷霆一击键盘怎么操作 键盘操作指南介绍_雷霆一击键盘怎么操作&#...

鼠标左键并移至右下角其他攻击方向:无静音:K大叫:V自杀:End观看下一个玩家:左/右鼠标键切换默认玩家:鼠标中键切换武器:1-9,0为收起武器选择功能:1-9投票:Page Up/Down显示分数面板:Tab团队交流:Y(所有人)/U(团队)队伍选择:M职业选择:B做动作:X语音命令:C ...

what's up什么意思

你怎么回事?你就不能想想她的感受吗?blog.sina.com.cn 6.(Ryan's friends) What's up, Jake? Haven't seen you in forever! Well, if it is a gay church, l'd be interested to see what that's all about.莱恩的朋友们:怎么了?难道永远看不到你了?如果有同志教堂的话,我倒很...


(其实)这只是一个念头,仅仅是一个念头 当我把心灵当成盾牌而不愿卸下防备 当我如此恐惧失败以致于根本不去尝试 那我怎么能说我是活着的?如果我的人生不属于我自己,而我也无法拥有它 那么我并不值得拥有更多 因为我所拥有的并没有什么真正属于我 I haven't really ever found a place that I...


he's told.8.WHAT`VE you done? YOU`VE broken that bottle!to:What have you done? you are broken that bottle!应该是you have broken that bottle!10.I CANNOT understand why he HASN`T arrived.to:I can not understand why he has not arrived.这个没错,不过缩写可以写成I can't ...


一封来自女儿写给母亲的信 亲爱的妈妈,以前我从来没给你写过信,像拾起旧时的照片,进行一次交谈很难开口。我们都很想你,希望你在哪都过的很好。当你离开我们的时候,一时间我们陷入了永远见不到你的悲痛中。我像这种痛就像你去旅行或者说周末的时候我们甚至不能抽出时间在电话里和你说句话或者类似于...


1.was dripping down 过去进行时比用dripped down过去时更生动,描写当时的情景,而不是简单说明过去有过此事。2.这个不清楚,不知是否有误。如果没问题的话,只能是Many stroke是一个分句,and后是另一个分句。3. 不别扭,状语前置 4. leave ...+宾补,leave是使役动词,bankrupt这里是形容词,...
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