
高手帮忙翻译一下:"faux amis"和"amis fideles"分别是什么意思?


汉译法 请高手帮忙翻一下,谢谢。

1.如果我有时间,我将去拜访我的中学老师。1. Si je dispose de suffisamment de temps, je vais je pour rendre visite aux enseignants du cycle secondaire.2.我建议你到农村去度假;我想,今年夏天海边会有不少人。2. Je vous conseille de passer votre vacances à la campagne; Je ...


要将句子翻译好,关键在用词,"欠缺"就是指"弱点",所以应该译为;I will find out what my weakness is .

收到一封 英文邮件 懂英文的高手帮忙翻译一下,这个是什么意思 ?_百度知...



你几点下班啊? 晚上一起去看电影吧。What time do you get off work? Let's watch a movie tonight.今日作业 下个月我们去泡温泉吧。..———Ted: It sounds a lot like that bar napkin document you make one-night stands sign, promising not to get clingy.就像是你写在酒吧纸巾上的...


大学生活 -- 暂新的经历 1. 对我来说大学生活是一种全新的与众不同的经历。远离家乡,因此我有很多东西要去适应,一切要靠自己。同友好的人们交谈,每周五休息,关于大学这正是我喜欢的一些事情。2. 在校园生活,首先,给了我一种要靠自己的责任感。没有父母或者在身边对我说:“不行,你今天...

有没有 英语高手 帮忙中文翻译成英文一下 重金悬赏!!

At this point, the students of Beijing has been proposed for us many good advice, don't we have any need to hesitate?在这一点上,北京的中学生们已经为我们提出了不少好的建议,难道我们还有什么需要犹豫的吗?问题补充的翻译是:The green environmental protection, low carbon life" this ...


I ability and enthusiasm can make me for your company's construction and development to make a contribution. In this, we sincerely wish your company prosperity! If I am fortunate to enter into your company, will work hard, for the development of the company with all my heart....


无奈之余只好亲自动手, 自己做一个本子, 以我个人的资历当然不能和几个译界前辈相提并论, 不过我努力查了些资料, 尽量做到(1)韵脚严格(2) 意义准确. 其中又以前者为重. 至于前几个版本的可榷之处,将另开新帖讨论. 希望各位高手指教. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 杰.阿尔弗雷德.普鲁佛洛克的...


法文:Cleanroom d'essuie-glace; Cleanroom Lingettes non-tissé; SMT Stencil Roll; Cleanroom Paper; Cleanroom Swab; Cleanroom Garments EDD; Cleanroom ESD chaussures; Cleanroom masque la couverture et de la chaussure;Anti-Static Bag Shielding; ESD Moisture Barrier Bag, Anti-statique ...


The pearl big hotel is located the Taiyuan airport street intersection (greatly to draining Xie Bianqiao the side), is situated at the Beijing too road and in the Beijing too highway intersection, the transportation extremely facilitates, is within the boundaries of the South China ...
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