bon jovi-say it isn’t so。我唯一觉的好听的重摇滚,赞,这首歌收录于《crush》这张专辑[连接]这是bon jovi首张在纽泽西录音的作品,是张汇聚团员5年来心情写照、不加刻意不添矫情便浑然天成的摇滚专辑,将bon jovi真实的自我、世纪交替、准备玩乐的态度完美结合并呈现最具震撼力之新世纪作品。 forever and ...
如何才能把你忘记 不想再为了你歇斯底里 到哪里找个真正的爱 真地把你给取代 爱情特卖 祝你开心 please don't it's happy and aversoly 但受伤的我却不开心 廉价的爱情是真品 嘴里的这口是同情 如何才能把你忘记 不想再为了你歇斯底里 到哪里找个真正的爱 彻彻底底给取代 don't hurt me no...
Rhett, please don't say that! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry for everything!斯佳丽:噢,瑞德!瑞德,请不要这么说。我是那么对不起你!我为每一件...Gerald : Do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O'Hara, that Tara doesn't mean anything to you? Why, lt's the only thing that matters-...
或者理解成,Y=Why=为什么,I=我。幸福里面没有为什么,只有我。 I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't konw the answer,I'm gonna to tell you that I don't konw.But I bet you what: I konw how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer,. 我是这样的人...
We make up sometimes I wonder why I put upCause you,leave me babythen you knock on my windowLeave me babythen you knock on my windowLeave me babythen you knock on my windowLeave me babythen you knock on my windowLeave me babythen you knock knock knock me downYou say that it's ...
I cant believe it, you know how much i love you, why u would do this to me?! ::: hehem... so stupid huh?! hahhaa... sorry if my translation is not that good, but there so many bad words.. i guess that u already understand no?! 回答者:ronnie_ - 高级经理 六级 1-3 19:5...
《高调爱》 tell me why 为什么擦了新香水/没有跟我先报备全身上下我都想跟你搭配/看电影你坐得太后面又不怕被谁发现/就想跟你肩靠肩/我的爱不太低调不走神秘感觉非常直接/高调爱就要这么对味/给你爱幸福得很明显/你是我第一顺位/我要让全世界都看见/高调爱就像每个音阶/给你爱甜蜜得好特别/...
♬★121.U---Super Junior★♬ ♬★122.像糖果一样---Eugene ★♬ ♬★123.Again---Fly to the Sky(Feat. Christopher) ★♬
包括一些合作的(onerepublic专辑中的未包含) 1.Save Some-Glacier Hiking(Featuring Ryan Tedder) 2.Lost Then Found 3.Not over 4.Battlefield 5.Ice 6.Speak Up 7.The Way I Feel 8.Sleepwalker (Adam Lambert Demo) 9.Fading Photographs 10.Back To Me 11...
drunk from my hate, 借酒泄愤想要挣脱束缚 It's like I'm huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate 我就像这溺水一样越是挣扎就越窒息 And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me 就在我马上要沉下去的时候,她拯救了我 She fucking hates me and I love it 我...