the Danes and the Norwegians.[4] It was in July 1839 during a visit to the island of Funen that Andersen first wrote the text of his poem Jeg er en Skandinav (I am a Scandinavian).[4] Andersen designed
1. During my trip to Yunnan, I bought two silver bracelets for 33 yuan per gram, which the seller claimed were made of "snowflake silver."2. Upon returning home, I learned that similar silver bracelets cost around 20 to 25 yuan per gram locally.3. It became apparent that ...
There are two burnt pixels around the center of the screen, which is full of scratches. The back is fine. The power and home keys are not very responsive. I was not informed of these defects in either the item description on eBay or correspondence with the seller. Furthermore,...
The publisher claimed that the edition had been proofread by many experts.[9] One of the most valuable parts of the edition, titled Marginalias on the Marginalias of Life (写在人生边上的边上), is a collection of Qian's writings previously scattered in periodicals, magazines and other books...
The record jump, although by a tiny margin, was described by the foreign media as "an explosive jump" because it generated China's first athletic world record. Dubbed " a spring swallow (燕子) awakening (唤醒了)Chinese sports, " Zheng sent a message to the world that China was Nolonger...
when an attorney arrives demanding Stanley's release. The Warden tries to claim they stole the suitcase from her, but Zero reveals that the name 'Stanley Yelnats' is written on it, as the suitcase had belonged to Stanley's great-grandfather (Stanley Yelnats I), the one that had been robbe...
the queen discovered that Snow White was still alive. Disguised as an apple seller, she poisoned her. The seven dwarfs were extremely saddened, but a prince saw the beautiful Snow White and revived her with a kiss. They then lived happily ever after. The queen learned of this a...
But when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."---翅膀断了心飞翔He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's life—who was the main source of support for the family. Since then,he has had to depend on the...
■爱因斯坦逃学记 1895年春天,爱因斯坦已16岁了。根据德国当时的法律,男孩只有在17岁以前离开德国才可以不必回来服兵役。由于对军国主义深恶痛绝,加之独自一人呆在军营般的路易波尔德中学已忍无可忍,爱因斯坦没有同父母商量就私自决定离开德国,去意大利与父母团聚。但是,半途退学,将来拿不到文凭怎么办...
T/T:(telegraphic transfer)电汇 M/T:(mail transfer)信汇 D/D:(remittance by banker's demand draft)票汇 D/P:(documents against payment)付款交单 D/A:(documents against acceptance)承兑交单 L/C:(letter of direct)信用证