
Adobe中" some files that need to be updated are&q...



1、首先我们打开IE浏览器。2、在浏览器界面的右上角,我们找到设置按钮然后选择管理加载项。3、在该设置界面中,点击左下角改为所有加载项。4、我们找到Shockwave Flash Object这一项。5、这里如果是显示禁用状态的话,咱们需要将它更改为“启用”。6、然后更新浏览器插件,尝试播放视频,可以了。


SELECT queries allow the user to specify a description of the desired result set, but it is left to the devices of the database management system (DBMS) to plan, optimize, and perform the physical operations necessary to produce that result set. A SQL query includes a list of columns to ...


7 Out of memory ,This issue can be caused when the computer does not meet the programs system requirements or to much memory is already being used for the program to run. 可能由系统配置不达标引起,无法提供足够的内存. If your computer meets the requirements try first reinstalling the program t...


1,最简单的解决办法是,ie--属性--限制站点;加上两条 http://*.9zz.biz和http://*.8v8.biz但是这样解决的话,病毒还是会存在电脑中的;你是局域网的话, 很容易传播的 2,防御的方法是,打开网页监控,安装arp防火墙,在路由里面禁止访问这两个网站;3,这病毒是直接不是在系统文件中,是...

Adobe Flash Pro CS4/CS5中,插入目标路径出错。

这个问题从CS3到CS5中一直没解决,估计如果有CS9的的话也不会有什么进展了,没人会在乎这种小细节的。参考资料:<a href="http://forums.adobe.com/search.jspa?resultTypes=MESSAGE&start=0&q=target+path&communityID=2072" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">http://forums.adobe....


1、Download and run .2、Now select Upgrade this PC now option.3、The setup will prepare the necessary files, so youll need to wait.4、Select Download and install updates (recommended) and click Next.5、Wait while the updates are downloaded.6、Follow the instructions on the screen. On ...


1. Click the "Install Now" button to begin installing Adobe Shockwave Player.2. Read and click through the dialog boxes that appear.3. When the Adobe Shockwave Player movie begins to play, your installation is successful.If you have installation questions or need help troubleshooting ...

cenos 6.3 安装使用笔记分享

sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo 复制代码代码如下:CentOS-Base.repo## The mirror system uses the connecting IP address of the client and the# update status of each mirror to pick mirrors that are updated to and# geographically close to the client. You should use this...

Adobe Audition3.0怎么在windows7 64位操作系统中使用,我装上之后找...

运行regedit,打开注册表编辑器,在 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT下搜索Audion Asio.dll,你会发现,在 Windows7 系统下,Audition Asio.dll 的位置默认填写的是 X:\users\用户名\AppData\Local\Temp\Audition Asio.dll(X 是你的系统盘符,用户是指你的用户名) ,也就是说,它把 Audition Asio.dll 定位在了...
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