
Buyer's Market代表什么



甲方:Party A/first party 乙方:Party B/second party 例句:1、So if I sign here, that makes me Party A, right?那么如果我在这里签字的话,那我就算是甲方了,对吗?2、Party B shall respect Chinese moral standards and customs....


option n.选择; 选择权; 选择自由 可选择的东西 任选项; 取舍; 任[随]意 【商】选择买卖的特权; 要求履行合同的特权 被保险人对赔偿方式的选择权 at one's option 随意 There are four options in our college.我们大学里有四门选修科。have no option but to (do)除了...以外没有他法, ...

汉译英文 谢谢大家 急急

Dear buyer,I'm really sorry.My goods are also bought from other shops. I'll send you free gifts if you order some other goods.I'm sure you'll be satisfied.


荷兰语 (Dutch)contactpersoon=联系 telefoonnr=电话 gemeten waarden= 测量值 ppm=百万分之 formule=化学 公式 bevonden waarde=发现值 meetmethode=方法 detectiebuisje=传感管=sensing tube elektronisch=电子 methylbromide=甲基溴 fosfine=膦 sulfurylfluoride=硫 formaldehyde=甲醛 chloorpicrine=氯...


在Q&A里,一个问题可以有很多答案,seller可以回答,buyer也可以回答。无论是PC端,还是移动端,Q&A在亚马逊listing的detail pages里都占有很重要的位置,也是买家不会忽略的板块,对产品转化率的影响很大。一般情况下,如果有三个以上的Q & A,就会被亚马逊自动置于产品listing标题的下面,如果Q & A数量...


Our love while somebody’s bloody heart’s lying in a puddle in the mud wish you worry bout the one you call the one hurry past the hole that holds the whole missing out what might have been, the Ng of the man might may rain right hi I think I’ve found a buyer for ...

海运拼箱 英文

海运拼箱英文:less than container load 简写为LCL。海运拼箱,是指承运人(或代理人)接受货主托运的数量不足整箱的小票货运后,根据货类性质和目的地进行分类整理。把去同一目的地的货,集中到一定数量拼装入箱。1、进泓拥有20多年丰富的拼箱经验,是您专业的海运拼箱服务供应商。VICO has20 years ...


15. It was only after much persuasion that the buyer finally agreed to accept the goods at a discount of 10% off the quoted price.经过反复劝说,买方最后才同意按报价打九折收下货物。ConversationsDialogue 1A: Hello, Mr. Kubat. I am glad to meet you here at the fair.B: Likewise. Take a...


下列地址有详细答案 可能要注册下才能看哦!参考资料:http://bbs.rapidly.cn/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=10&replyID=3296&id=1675&skin=1


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