
I suppose it's I who am responsible.我以为该负责的是我。为


[急需]寿险责任准备金 的中英文对照文献

Suppose, however, that this particular company has a serious under-reserving problem, and as claims are ultimately settled, they actually cost $950, instead of the $750 originally estimated. Under these circumstances, the balance sheet would appear as follows:It is evident here that as claims ...

英语比较级 最高级问题~?

if the stamp is torn, it's no good for my collection.如果邮票是破的,那我收集起来就没有用,suppose all the doors are locked, how will you get into the house? 假如所有的门都锁上,你怎么会进到这所卖场呢?2.从句表示的条件同事实相违背或不可能实现,通常用虚拟语气,如:if i...


例句:We cannot fancy a life without electricity.译文:我们不能设想生活中没有电。2、fantasy:多用于侧重表示虚幻的想象。例句:We are not in an ideal world and so I guess it is like a fantasy to them.译文:我们没有身处在一个理想的世界,所以我认为对他们来说,那只是一个幻想。

新概念2同步测试卷TEST20(69——72) 急需

中的主要动词suppose 和从句中的crosses都是一般现在时,表示当时发生的动作,意思为"让我们假设一个小孩突然穿过马路".该句只有选b. Imagine it happening (想象它正在发生)才与前一句含义相符合. a. would happen 是过去将来时, c. had been happening 过去完成进行时, d. will have happened 将来完成时.这3...


I suppose some of you may have already guessed what the special competition is. Yes, it is the competition of protecting our environment and creating a green Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games. Someone may ask who is our rival in this competition? The modern Los Angeles, the charming Sydney...


are various kinds of people who give advice, such as, doctors, psychologists, travel agents and so on. But I suppose the most well- known professional consultants would be doctors and tutors. You know people today really care about their health condition and their children’s ...


4. Song Qingling was a(n) ___ woman who ever did much work for the progress of China.A. hard-working B. painstaking C. outstanding D. life-loving5. — I am very ___ with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious.— Mm. It does have a ___ smell.A. pleasant; pleas...

hold onto

Hold it!不要动!hold one's own坚守;坚持立场holdn.握住;掌握;控制Can you get hold of that rope?你能抓住那根绳子吗?(= take hold of, get hold of, catch hold of, lay hold of, keep hold of)可攀抓的东西;支撑点Can you find a hold for your hands?你能不能找到手抓得住的地方?Can you...


"I think each bank's credit card are similar, it is difficult to choose, and who do the same." God, since that put enormous cost of advertising, has come to the conclusion this is! We feel that the competent services of the bank inconceivable: Is that brand did not rally? That doe...

Eminem的<Spend Some Time>中文歌词?

Lemme tell you the whole story of Shady's origin 让我来告诉你shady是怎么来的吧!You'll be sorry if you slam my Mercedes door again 你会后悔的.如果你再一次砰地一声关上我的车门 Now, it all started with my father,好吧 现在 从我的父亲开始讲起 I musta got my pimpin genes ...
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