
I think it bad manners to smoke in a reading room.为什么不用it's...



5. Karsh被褒奖为大师级的肖像画家,他经常工作在黑与白的世界里,他受到了过去很多伟大画家的影响。写作:Bad manners in public 1."Hearing the ringtone of someone's cell phone at classical music concerts or other music events annoys me the most. I, as a listener, go to a concert ...

It's bad ___ for a man to smoke in the public places where smokin...

如果填写是的可数名词的话 句子中bad前面就应该有 a 拿c manner举例子 这个句子就该变成:It's a bad ___ for a man to ……是可数名词的话 如果是单数前面就要加这种不定冠词啊 a 啊an啊什么的 如果是复数的话 就该加S表示复数的情况 ...


She told him he ought not to have done it. 6) 情态助动词之间是相互排斥的,即在一个限定动词词组中只能出现一个情态助动词,但有时却可以与have和be基本助动词连用: You should have washed the wound. Well, you shouldn't be reading a novel.[编辑本段]用法 首先它是动词,而且不同于行为动词,...

急需!!! 简述《傲慢与偏见》的语言特色 论文 好的追加;300!!

例7:“My reason of marrying are, First, that I think it a right way for every clergy man in easy circumstances(like myself) to set the example of matrimony in his parish. Secondly, that I am convinced it will add very greatly to my happiness; and thirdly – which perhaps I ought ...


A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。 A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。 A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗。 A bully is always a coward.色厉内荏。 A burden of ...


When did it start? About three days ago.That’s too bad.I think so.I hope you feel better soon.Do you have a headache? Yes, I do.I am tired. You should go to bed early.I am stressed out. You should listen to music.I am thirsty. You should have a drink.I am hungry. You ...

英语作文 根据下面所给的三个题目和中文提纲用英语各写出一篇不少于80词...

2.There are many bad manners in public in this modern world. For example, smoking in some place where it is forbiden, and bad words when people are talking.Everyone knows that it is not allowed to smoke in hospital, but some or more times there are many people do not obey ...


put in on the desk不属于这两种短语,它只是及物动词的固定搭配,即及物动词常有下列结构:及物动词 + 宾语 + 介宾/副词。如:give it to me;read it in the classroom;do it carefully 2.1)I think so.的完整形式没法写成,因为so代指上文肯定的情况,它会因为上文的不同形式而相应...

itis tohelpthoseinneed作文

So it is important to be polite in our daily life.We should not laugh at others when he or she makes a mistake.When we are waiting for the bus at the bus station,We are supposed to wait in line.What is more,it is bad manners to shout or smoke in public places.Besides...


()5、When it is day,___ . A、our part of the earth turns to (转到)the moon B、the sun looks much smaller than the stars C、we can't see any stars in the sky. D、the moon turns away from the sun (B)A few years ago, I went to London for the first time. One day I wan...
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