
It's a bird.Its name is Polly.为什么填It's和Its



5. it's与its读音相同,he's与his读音相似,但使用时需注意它们的区别(it's和he's分别是it is和he is的缩略形式,但its 和his 却是形容词性物主代词) 。例如: It's a bird. Its name is Polly. 它是一只鸟。它的名字叫波利。 He's a student. His mother is a teacher. 他是一名...


your是用do还是does要看后面跟的名词,单数用does,复数用do。do和does可以用作实义动词,在一般现在时肯定句中,其中does用在第三人称单数,do用在其它人称中。例: He does his homework everyday. I do excercise every Friday.。翻译:他每天都在写作业,而我是每周五写作业。


5.it's与its读音相同,he's与his读音相似,但使用时需注意它们的区别(it's和he's分别是it is和he is的缩略形式,但its 和his 却是形容词性物主代词)。例如:It's a bird.Its name is Polly.它是一只鸟。它的名字叫波利。He's a student.His mother is a teacher.他是一名学生。他妈妈...

i have a sofe in my home

我家有一个好朋友,是一只小鸟,名字叫波丽,有3岁了,黄色的非常漂亮,我下学后和它玩,我的同学安和凯特也经常来看它 它每天都唱歌,我教它唱abc,现在它已经会唱了,我非常喜欢它


四、句子改错,下面每一句话均有一处错误,请找出来并将正确答案填在横线上。(每小题1分,共5分) ()1. These isn’t your pictures. ___ A B C D ( ) 2. She’s name is Ann Read. ___ A B C D ( ) 3. This is a orange. It’s nice. ___ A B C D ( ) 4. The twins are ...


四、句子改错,下面每一句话均有一处错误,请找出来并将正确答案填在横线上。(每小题1分,共5分) ()1. These isn’t your pictures. ___ A B C D ( ) 2. She’s name is Ann Read. ___ A B C D ( ) 3. This is a orange. It’s nice. ___ A B C D ( ) 4. The twins are ...


The Greens(格林一家) have a car. It’s a Japanese car. It’s very nice. They all like it. Mr Green’s car licence number is 781239. Their address is 28 King Street, 1002 London. Jim is Mr Green’s son. He has a bird. Its name is Polly. He has a cat, too. ...

sally is fine

3.I’m fine.(对划线部分提问:fine)(How )(are )you?2.选词填空(不能重复使用)Its,she,it‘s,he,his,i,her,your,my 1.(She )is a teacher.( Her)phone number is 258-3695.2.What’s that?( It‘s)a bird.( Its)name is polly.3.IT is(his )pencil case.4....


四、句子改错,下面每一句话均有一处错误,请找出来并将正确答案填在横线上。(每小题1分,共5分) ()1. These isn’t your pictures. ___ A B C D ( ) 2. She’s name is Ann Read. ___ A B C D ( ) 3. This is a orange. It’s nice. ___ A B C D ( ) 4. The twins are ...


注意要用形容词性物主代词my,your。例如: 你妈妈在家吗? 误:Is you mother at home? 正:Is your mother at home?5. it's与its读音相同,he's与his读音相似,但使用时需注意它们的区别(it's和he's分别是it is和he is的缩略形式,但its 和his 却是形容词性物主代词) 。例如: It'...
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