
Localized vs Regional - What's the difference?


what's the difference between phonetic and phonemic?

回答:phonetic译为‘拼音’为形容词 phonemic译为‘音位的’为形容词。我觉得单从他们的意思就可以区别了(不知是否有帮助)

What's the difference between quantity demand and demand?

quantity demand是需求量 demand 是需求 两者的区别是各自变化原因和影响的对象不同,需求量的变化由价格变化引起,需求量的变化由商品价格变化引起,需求的变动一个因素是"相关商品"的价格。因此一种商品的价格下降,影响的是购买者对这种商品的需求量。而此种商品的价格变化是导致它互补品需求曲线移动的...

What's the difference between managers and leaders?

managers是专才 他主管一个部门 leaders是通才 主管 有多个部门组成的体系

What's the difference between "be home to" and "be the home of...

be the home of 指的是...之家;...之地 如:I was told that it used to be the home of the gods.说奥林匹亚曾经是众神的栖息之地。而be home to 中的TO 后应该是 接动词构成动词不定试作目的壮语,表示在家干什么 i use to be home to have a rest after one day's work.

What's the difference between Like and Love?

The feelings come with rosponse, happiness,and also stress.It's a complicated feeling ,including "like",the reason why "love" is complex ,is that, you "like" or "love" him/her too much.there are lots of things to deal, depending what kind of person the one you love is....

what's the difference between latency and lurk ?

latency主要是名词的意思,而lurk则是不及物动词,两个单词在意思上相近,latency意思,1.潜伏 2.潜在因素,潜伏期,戒毒英语词汇| 潜伏状态,医学制药英语词汇 3.等待时间 信息工程专业术语 lurk的意思是1.潜伏,埋伏,(a man lurking in the shadows 潜伏在幽暗处的人)2.(危险等)潜在(Danger ...


What is the difference in definitionbetween the UK and Great Britain?Great Britain是大不列颠,也就是英国。包括英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。

what`s the difference between England and China??用一些简单的词就O...

Differencies between English and Chinese The English and Chinese are two languages not only the grammar structure which creates sentences with the word different, moreover the expression thought method is different, uses the image also has the difference. Translates the Chinese aspect in ...

What's the difference between microwave and microwave oven?_百...

used for radar, are just a few inches long.this information is from the NASA site explaining what are wicrowaves and some of their utility.Microwave oven, however, is a kitchen appliance. It heats food by hitting food with electromagnetic radiation in the microwave spectrum. (See ...

麻烦英语牛逼的人帮忙翻译一下吧 有关于民生新闻的 十分感谢 要人工翻 ...

电视新闻民生的形式,突出的地域特征 湖北卫视的“现在住”有了固定的栏目,请武汉、民间艺术的一种形式的名人为了Zatan新闻方言,然后,一旦发起了一个非常强烈的反应。民生的表现,新闻是定位,geographic-based。当地名人本身就是一个良好的品牌效应,再加上迷人的消息和幽默的方式,观众会很感兴趣。电视本地...
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