
Money (That's What I Want) 歌词



hit KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 打,打击;击中 A bullet hit him on the leg.一颗子弹击中了他的腿。2. 碰撞;使碰撞 The ship hit a rock and wrecked.船触礁撞毁了。3. 达到,到达 The Japanese yen hit an all-time high last week on the money markets.日元上周在货币市场上达到历史最高点...

pick out/up/in/off分别什么意思?

They've put in for more money for the building of the new highway.他们已为这条新公路的建设申请要更多的钱了。put off 延期;推迟 Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today.今日可做的事不要拖到明天。There's an hour to put in before we set off.我们还得待一小时...


It is not surprising that children learn to read at different rates 小孩子识字的速度不同,这不足为奇。原型: surprise 5、bizarre 英[bɪˈzɑː(r)] 美[bɪˈzɑːr]adj. 极其怪诞的;异乎寻常的;The game was also notable for the bizarre...


/could we have the bill?/That’s all. 10. 问路Which is the way to…/where is…/How can I get to…/Is there a..near here/Can you tell me the way to…/Can you tell me how I can get to…? 11. turn right at the third crossing/traffic lights在第3个路口往右拐=take the third...

live off是什么意思

通常后面还会加of => live off of (sth or sb)意思是靠 。。生活 They've been living off of the trust fund his parents left him.That lazy man basically lives off of his poor mom.


Money can't buy happiness.3. 他的婚姻生活很幸福。His marriage is full of happiness.4. 中国老百姓现在过着幸福的生活。Populace in China live a very happy life now.5. 我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。What I need now is the security of a happy home.6. 幸福和财富不...


Seldom does any city have the chance to reinvent itself.That chance has now come to St.Petersburg.A few people might hope to return to the glory of the past,but most know that is impossible.They want to preserve the best of past eras and push ahead.You can bet the city ...




继承祖传的财富是贵族社会中人的追求。old money,就如你说的,是继承的财富的意思,blue-blooded是形容词,贵族的,sweetheart有两个词性,在这里用作动词,指“爱慕,追求”的意思。这就是这个句子的动词。另外,他还有个词性是名词,就是大家所熟悉的“情人,爱人”的意思。另外,给你推荐个非常好用...


Since appraisal values can often be 40% to 60% of true commercial value, the buyer will save money at the onset in both acquisition taxes (2% of declared value) and property taxes. Nonetheless, using a value less than full purchase price can be costly when selling since the capital gains...
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