Mother I'd Like To Fuck的缩写是什么
"Fuck" 还可以与其他词结合形成合成词,如 "Mother fucker"、"fuckface"、"fucktard" 和 "fuckstick",表达强烈的负面情感。 "What The Fuck?" (WTF) 和 "I don't give a fuck" 是另一种常用的表达方式,分别表示困惑和不在乎。总之,"fuck" 在英语中是一个多用途的词汇,其使用方式多样且...
类似于“exhausted”Fu3K 单独的用法:例16:几乎 "I know Fu3K all about it."例17: 谁在乎过我了?"Who really gives a Fu3K, anyhow?"Fu3K 一词并不邪恶,没有一些女生想象的那么坏,它在美国人的口语中出现的频 率很高,就如同我们常说的“我KAO”。motherFu3Ker!这句是脏话~...
这里的fuck you就比较活络了。不看语气和表情就很难判断对方的意图。因为他很有可能是在用另外一种方式说“thank you very much”。 第十,motherfucker 跟老外比起来我们中华民族泱泱大国就文明多了。就算问候对方家长也是身体力行...
Fuck Janpanse, Bastars, what a mother fucker. i would like to fuck every single japanese women,especially japanese porn stars. Japanese girls are all whores, so fucking slot. i would like to destroy all their fucking dirty pussy. Mother fucker....
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Ya:口语中的You。例如“Ya Know”You know/You know what i am saying/You getti:你懂的!/你懂我意思吗?Roll:卷、裹。裹什么呢?Ya getti!O.G:有很多单词的缩写都是O.G.而在西海岸说唱文化中常常提到的O.G是“Original Gangster”的缩写,可以译做“真正的大佬”“纯正的匪帮”...
Fuck也自成一套,形成了一堆词组,介绍如下:最常见的词组即是I don't give a fuck表示I don't care之意,fuck about/around则表示不信任某人或某事,fuck off同get out滚蛋之意,至于Don't fuck sb up则是Let me alone别烦我的意思,fuck sth up则有把事搞砸之意。当然,如前所述,Fuck...
F/U是Follow up的意思。follow up的意思:vt.把…贯彻到底,对…采取进一步行动;跟着,追逐,继续。例句:We will continue to follow up and find the source of these goods and where they are coming from 翻译:我们会继续跟进,发现这些商品的来源和他们来自哪里。
like a semi or a nine Ooh baby like it raw with the shimmy shimmy ya, huh A$AP get like me Never met a motherfucker fresh like me All these motherfuckers wanna dress like me Put the chrome to your dome,make you sweat like Keith Cause I'm the nigga, the nigga nigga,lik...
Go to war with the Mormons, take a bath with the Catholics in holy water - no wonder they try to hold me under longer I'm a motherfuckin spiteful, DELIGHTFUL eyeful The new Ice Cube - motherfuckers HATE to like you What did I do? (huh?) I'm just a kid from the ...