Mother I'd Like To Fuck的缩写是什么
Now let me tell you all about the other night I sneaked into your mother's bedroom when she turned off the light She layed there in her filthy bed sleeping like a dead I woke her up and shouted out commanding her to spread Then I fucked your mom Yes I fucked your mom Sh...
骂人最爽了`asshole fuck you motherfucker bitch(骂女的)son of a bitch(骂男的)freak(畸形)loser(衰人)suck (差劲)dumb(蠢)这些前面差不多都可以加you
run the world girls beyonce
Fuck Janpanse, Bastars, what a mother fucker. i would like to fuck every single japanese women,especially japanese porn stars. Japanese girls are all whores, so fucking slot. i would like to destroy all their fucking dirty pussy. Mother fucker....
自我欺骗 : 'I got Fucked at the car dealership'沮丧: 'Oh Fuck it'遇到麻烦: 'I guess I'm really Fucked now'警告: 'Don’t Fuck with me pal'有困难: 'I don’t understand this Fucking question'打听: 'Who the Fuck was that?'表示不满: 'I don’t like what the Fuck is ...
And I feel like I'm in a cage我感觉好似身陷笼中They so want a champion to fall他们渴望看到冠军惨败I still wonder why I laugh at 'em难怪我会取笑他们,'Cause why carry when I'm all因为他们从来都赢不了我So fuck what these cynics say去他的愤世嫉俗之言Just goes to show即便我深陷困境 ...
更多例子:MVP=mostvaluableplayerVIP=veryimportantpeopleFAMILY=fatherandmotherIloveyou... 更多例子:MVP=most valuable playerVIP=very important peopleFAMILY=father and mother I love you...还有没有这种缩写的词啊?~越有趣越好~`原创也可以哦~!答的越多越好分越多~!~ 展开 5个回答 #合辑# 机票是越早...
your mom calls you "sweet heart the ass licker". alright, please fuck off before i slam that fuckface of ya! you fucking douchebage piece of shit!"hope you like my dirty words, have a nice day!参考资料:swear in English's the most funny thing in the world!