
Viral的《Hit Em' Up》 歌词


Viral的《Hit Em' Up》 歌词

I'm still the thug you love to hate 我仍然是那个你喜欢诅咒的暴徒Motherfucker, I hit em up 混蛋,干死他们!I'm from N-E-W Jerz, where plenty murders occur 我来自新泽西,那里有着许多谋杀发生No points to be calmer, we bringin drama to all you heard 我们没有让她平静,我们让你听到艺术Kn...

一首英文歌,分手的男女对唱的,是自己创作的 歌词表达的意思是说他们和平...

乔纳森·曼恩和艾弗莉·金通过合唱一首分手歌来告知朋友他们分手的消息。这对才华横溢的情侣交往5年,却在生孩子的问题上产生了分歧,最终只能分道扬镳。When a musically-inclined Brooklyn couple decided to call it quits, they created a breakup video to share the news with friends.这对来自纽...


I can see 'em.我能看见他们。 I got 'em Clear out the place.我把他们清除出这区域。 They won't see us comin.他们不会看见我们来了。 I'm losing compression!我的压缩机正在受损! There's too much flak!那儿的防空火力太猛! My rocket's hit!我的推进器被打中了! *防空兵 Flak trooper repor...

这首歌crank that by soulia boy tell'em是谁唱的

这位16岁天才弟弟,自创《Crank That (Soulja Boy)就酱跳》,自己架音乐网站http://www.souljaboytellem.com/ ,将歌曲一po成名,他在MYSPACE的主页 http://www.myspace.com/souljaboytellem Profile创下MySpace 2500万人浏览的纪录,在3000万独立艺人当中他排名第一,其它音乐人只能望其项背,老老少少大小粉丝,有事...


Raccoon City. And hit the peaceful little town with a devastating blow crippling its very foundation. Not taking any chances, the President of the United States ordered a contingency plan - to sterilize Raccoon City. With the whole affair gone public, the United States government issu...
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