
Viral的《Hit Em' Up》 歌词


L5-U1-P2 At Jessica's reunion party 1~2杰西卡同学会聚会_百度知 ...

Jessica's 20-year class reunion was held at a fancy hotel. 杰西卡20年的同学会是在一家豪华酒店举行的。 When she arrived, she wasn't sure she was in the right place. 当她到达时,她不确定自己是不是在对的地方 At first she didn't recognize anyone. 起初她谁也不认识。 She felt a bit aw...


Hit the sand 敲打着细沙 Take a walk in the wavesWith nothing else to do 脚踩着浪花不用做任何事 But sipping on suds 但我们饮酒言欢 Working on a buzz 工作在一个嗡嗡声 Keeping my drink in the shade 在树荫下畅饮聊天 Taking my time 给我时间 With you by my side 我愿意我的生活...


’ about it. Chris Kluwe (punter, Minnesota Vikings) is not impressed.Now, normally our Sports Superstar of the Week is someone who does something, you know, sports-related. Meaning someone like Derek Jeter when he hit 3000 or Rory McIlroy after his first major win. But ...

At Jessica’s Reunion Party

Jessica's 20-year class reunion was held at a fancy hotel.杰西卡20年的同学聚会在一家豪华酒店举行。 When she arrived, she wasn't sure she was in the right place.当她到达时,她不确定自己是否在正确的地方。 At first she didn't recognize anyone.一开始她不认识任何人。 She felt a bit awkwar...


中文名是私匙(相当于密码)。简称API接口密钥,是跟App Key配套使用的,可以简单理解成是密码 。它是微信公众平台服务号才有的。App secret和App Key是一对出现的账号,同一个 App id可以对应多个App key和App secret。


- I got' em 我瞄准了它们 - Clear out the place 清除该区域 - They won't see us comin 他们看不道我们过来 惊恐: - I'm losing compression! 我(的推进器)在丧失压力 - There's too much flak! 防空炮火太猛了 - My rocket's hit 我的火箭受损了SEAL 海豹突击队员 --- 选择: - SEAL ready...


Raccoon City. And hit the peaceful little town with a devastating blow crippling its very foundation. Not taking any chances, the President of the United States ordered a contingency plan - to sterilize Raccoon City. With the whole affair gone public, the United States government issu...

英语流利说 Level6 考核部分题目

Viral infections are caused by viruses, such as the influenza virus. With an aging population, health problems become a growing concern. Worried that he was ill, they gave him a series of health examinations, but none showed anything wrong. When the nuclear fuel rods hit the cooling water, ...


When you're with 'em 当你和他们在一起的时候 You meet and neither one of you even know what hit 'em 你们满足了 而你们没一个人知道到底在干什么 Got that warm fuzzy feeling 慢慢享受你的暧昧感觉吧 Yeah, them chills you used to get 'em 呵.那些你们曾经...


Recently, the classic Chinese song "Yi Jian Mei" by singer-songwriter Fei Yu-ching has become a hit in the English-speaking world. On the music platform Spotify, Yi Jian Mei once ranked as the most searched song in Norway and the second most searched in Finland.Back...
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