
What's the difference between 'womb' and 'uterus'???Quick!!!


what's the difference of valuation and evaluation?

比如说你想卖房子...让中介给你的房子来一个VALUATION...那么就是你的房子卖多少钱,就是价钱没有别的...造个句啊:i asked for a valuation for my flat.我要对我的房子估个价 还有就是VALUATIONA是从VALUE这个词而来...是指PERSNOAL OPINION, ONE'S PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS 某事或某人.换句话说...

问:what are the difference between men and women i

he doesn't want to be bothered to unpack打开包裹 it.So, you see men's shopping is quite diret可怕的 and hence因此 time-saving省时间的. Now enters a couple. The man is just doing the same as the previous在前的 man. The difference is that the lady checks it carefully befo...

what's the difference between topoisomerase and helicase?

终于看到一个有点含量的问题了...由于水平问题就不用全英文回答了,给出部分英文 --- 这两种酶作用的的机制是不同的 DNA解旋酶(helicase)可以让DNA的双螺旋结构变成直线型,通过SSB(single-strain binding protein 貌似是)之类的蛋白结合就可以保证稳定的复制叉(replication forks)的形成 而拓扑异构酶...

the difference between和the difference in有什么区别

the difference between的意思是:在两者之间的区别。the difference in的意思是:在某方面的区别。两者所指的方向是不同的。between后面带的是比较的对象;in后面带的是比较的范畴。如:What's the difference in temperature between the day and the night?白天和夜里的温差是多少?in temperature:在...


1、’s,表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 ’s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men’s room 男厕所 Chairman Mao’s works 毛主席著作 a mile’s distance 一英里的距离 a stone’s throw 一步之遥 the moon’s light 月光 2、s’...

what is the difference between "include" and "involve"?

include bring in, reckon, as part of the whole 一般作包括、包含讲,如:The package cost is included in the total price of equipments.包装费用包括在设备总价格之内。involve involve (in)cause (sb. or sth.) to be caught or mixed up (in trouble, etc); get sb. or sth. into ...

Puberty vs. Adolescence: What's the Difference?

Adolescence: the period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult.Adolescence: 在身体发育(puberty)的基础上,青少年从未成年人(child)成长为成年人(adult)的时期。Teens: the years of a person's age from 13 to 19.Teens: 特...

...A and B 还是What`s the difference between A and B?

different是形容词 difference是名词 应该用名词形式这里

What's the difference between "be home to" and "be the home of...

be the home of 指的是...之家;...之地 如:I was told that it used to be the home of the gods.说奥林匹亚曾经是众神的栖息之地。而be home to 中的TO 后应该是 接动词构成动词不定试作目的壮语,表示在家干什么 i use to be home to have a rest after one day's work.

what's different?与what's difference有什么区别

what's different?这句的主语是what特殊疑问词;而what's difference?主语是difference。希望能帮到你 精1锐2五3角4场5
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