
What's the distance from A to B?How


What's the distance from A to B?How ___is A ___B?

What's the distance...How far is ...另要注意:从...到...要用介词from...to...。A from B 也可。

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同义句 例:Want's the distance from Shenzhen to Beijing?

How far is Shenzhen from Beijing?This area is in need of water.He cared much for the children's health.

keep distance from sb./sth. ~ at sb's request ~up to now~request...

We should keep distance from dangerous goods.In his strong request us to re-do it again.Up to now, I do not know the truth of the matter.Our teacher always request us to do our homework carefully.

How to bridge the gap between parents and me英语作文

Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction(矛盾) between the old and the youth. It’s a common(常见的) phenomenon(现象) that exits everywhere in the world and influences both the old and the youth.Generally speaking, generation gap results in different understanding and ...

...the distance from the tip of a guy's thumb to the tip of his...


...It's about 20km from here.( A,How long B,How far 为什么选A_百 ...

way路途用长短(long/short)来形容,it指代的距离即distance用远近(far/near)来形容 how far is it/the distance 是对的,how long is the way是对的,这里是the way,因此用A


早在哈拉帕中阶这儿就有一个海运贸易网,在哈拉帕与美索不达米亚沼泽地文明之间运行。如长途海运在使用长条木板船创新发展成为可能,装备为一根中心杆支撑,用机织织物或毛片或布做成的帆。浅海港坐落在通往海洋的海口,使海运随着米索不达米亚城市活跃起来。15) 农业:印度河畔的农业发展非常充足。有能力使生产...
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