
What's the difference between 'womb' and 'uterus'???Quick!!!



what和what's的区别:中文意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。what作为代词,含义有什么、无论什么、多么等,可用来引导主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句或同位语从句;what's作为常用的口语形式,含义为是什么、什么是,常用来引导一个问句。一、what的含义及用法介绍 what作为关系代词时,意为什么;…的...

what's yourfavoritesport是什么意思

what is your favorite sport?你最喜欢什么体育运动?

What Would Jesus Do英文啥...

What Would Jesus Do 兄弟不是搞开发的吧~呵呵,这个为难您了,我给你解释下 & amp;nbsp;这三个都是网页代码,估计网页显示错误,给你把代码都弄出来了~(好久没弄网页了,只记得最后一个在网页中是空格的意思)好了,我们把代码去掉 What Would Jesus Do?耶稣会做...


"what's the game?" 在口语中相当于问“发生了什么事?”,例如:"Nothing was happening at the office, and nobody answered the phone. What's the game?""mug's game" 形容一项费力不讨好的活动,如:"Betting on horses is usually a mug's game, as most people don't win in the...

what's favourite food?为什么要用her不用she

What's her favourite food ? 她最喜欢的食物是什么?her favourite food 用形容词性物主代词,she 是人称代词,只能作主语。希望能帮到你,祝你开心。

what's your fathers job可以等于what about your father吗...

不可以完全对等。what about 用于上文有语境的情况。比如上午问道你妈妈是做什么工作的,下句再用what about your father,就还是指父亲的工作。What is your father's job = What does your father do?= What's your father's occupation?

What's the weather like there?中like是什么意思

What‘s the weather like there?——那里的天气怎么样?在这里What‘s the weather like是固定句型不变 在这里like的意思是就字面意思翻译是:像,如 请多多指教~

小学英语What't your faourite food?有什么游戏?

noodles, meat, orange, apple, pear, mango, banana, chocolate这九种食物。方法:老师随口说出一种食物的单词,同学们就在相应的格子里画勾号。谁的勾在横、竖、斜三个方向连成三格一线就大声喊BINGO!最先喊的三位同学的倒贴纸作为奖励,游戏可以重复进行若干次。但不需要画新的BINGO格子。

what's the matter?用在什么语境

what's the matter? 怎么了? uesd when someone seems upset ,unhappy,or sick and you are asking them why 询问某人生气、心烦或生病的原因 (总之失落啊、不开心啊、不舒服啊之类的都可以)如果是询问人的话,还有另外一种形式: what's the matter with sb? 某人犯什么毛病了?某人...
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