Who's that lady with blue. 怎样改正?
& 和 ;amp 和 ;nbsp 等等都是HTML(Hypertext Markup Language),即是'超文本标记语言',是用于编写网页文档的一种语言,不是正统英文. 有时网页没有传送好会看到一些些网页的原文. 呵呵^_^ 没事的
he is still a dancer,a philanthropist.He is one of the most successful person in the world.I love him very much,and I think he is very kind and generous.He devoted himself in helping poor,sick children.He is just likes a child,...
Wordle was created by Josh Wardle, a New York software engineer. He said he first made it for his partner, who likes playing word games like crossword puzzles. But he decided in October to release it publicly. The game immediately took off.It became so successful that the N...
'Cause who's going to mind a drop of sweat when he's all busy dancing to and fro!因为一个人忙着跳舞时谁会吝惜力气呢!Ieva's mother she shut herself away燕娃妈妈自己离开了 in her own quiet room to hum a hymn.在自己屋子里哼着赞美诗 Leaving our hero to have a spot of ...
Can’t you see it’s we who own the night 夜晚属于我们 Can’t you see it we who bout’ that life 生活由我们缔造 And we can’t stop 我们无法停滞 And we won’t stop 我们难以停滞 We run things 是我们主宰世界 Things don’t run we 而非世界主宰我们 Don’t take nothing ...
who lived in Turin. Novaro posed the music and Mameli returned to Genoa where he presented words and music to his friends. Shortly thereafter "Fratelli D'Italia" (Brothers of Italy another mon name for the anthem) was played for the first time at a popular assembly. The tune gained popular...
lady gaga的chillin.歌词如下:Chillin Lady GaGa Na Na Na Na...Na Na Na Na...Hey Hey Hey...Goodbyeeeeee... Hey!Lookin at, lookin at, lookin at me Look at that, look how they lookin at me Eyes all sticky like honey on bees Look at that, look how they lookin at me ...
Maybe I'll get famous as man who can't be moved,And maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news,And you'll come running to the corner...Cos you'll know it's just for you I'm the man who can't be moved I'm the man who can't be moved...Cos if...
1.where:哪里(状语)2.what :什么 3.when:问时间 (回答用At/ On...等)4.which:哪一个,哪个 5.who :谁 ( 回答用He is...She is... They are...等)特殊疑问词,是特殊疑问句中必有(开头第一个)的单词,一般配合特殊疑问句使用。回答不同于一般疑问句,答法通常有时间,地点...