
all the people


all the people的中文

all the people 所有的人 all the people [英][ɔ:l ðə ˈpi:pl][美][ɔl ði ˈpipəl]全民;双语例句 1 The enemy huddled all the people.敌人让所有的群众都...



all the people还是all people

都可以,all the people指的是特指,all people 指的是泛指 如:All the people in this park are having a good time.All the people in this country speak Spanish.You, of all people, should know what kind of...

All the people是介词短语吗

不是。词中没有介词,all 为代词,the 为定冠词,people 为一个复数性名词。介词短语是由介词与其他名词或动词或其他词或词组组成,在句中可充当谓语,状语等不一。如:I arrived in Beijing yesterday.(介词短语为 arriv...

all people和all the people 有什么区别?

all people 是泛指,all the people是特指。指所有那些人。这两个词该有前后语境的

是all people还是all the people还是all of the people?

都对!all people泛指 all the people 和 all of the people 特指 意思一样 all (前位限定词)the(中位限定词) people all (代词)of the people 如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步 ...

all the people和all of the people的区别是什么?


区别:all people, all the people, all of the people

all people, 泛指所有的人all the people, 指特定范围内的所有的人 all of the people指特定范围内所有一一的人

All the people什么(be)in the room是什么意思?

All the people are in the room.people 做人民,人们的意思时,要被看作是复数形式。
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