
do one's bidding是什么意思


do one's bidding是什么意思

do one's bidding 听从,服从,按照某人的吩咐做 例如:To him, a robot was always a robot, a man-made machine, created to do one's bidding , and to take care of material needs.对他来说,机器人永远是机器人,是人造机器,听命于人,满足人的物质需求。




bidding n. 命令, 吩咐 出价, 投标 邀请 叫牌 We gathered at his bidding.我们应他的邀请在一起聚会。B-was brisk.很快就有很多人出价了。【习惯用语】at one's bidding 依嘱,遵命 at sb.'s bidding 依嘱,遵命 do one's bidding 照...的命令做, 照...的话办 do sb.'s bidding ...


挟制的解释 [take advantage of sb.'s weakness to enforce obedience;force sb.to do one's bidding] 依仗权势或抓住对方缺点,强使顺从 详细解释 倚仗权势或抓住 别人 弱点强使 服从 。 宋 叶适 《始议二》 :“是又 绍兴 以来为 小人 之所挟制,而不能尽 天下 之虑也。” 元 关汉卿 《...


having brought the united states' economy to its knees and destroyed public trust in s.h.i.e.l.d., the neo-fascists have propped up an independent presidential candidate in senator gordon wright—a supposed maverick who advocates a “third wing” party. at the same time, ex-s.h.i.e....


1、刺剑之咒 古时候是混和动物血的蜡烛,现在则可以用红蜡烛代替; 效果十分显著。点燃蜡烛,让蜡烛泪充分滴落在刀面上,滴 蜡之时念以下的咒文并且将你要诅咒的对象的名字,用针尖 刻上。并念以下的咒文:休——尼佗烈佟 然后将施过咒的刀子,在对方还未来完全远离之前,好 好地保存在别人无法看见的黑暗地方,或者...


- It's time for a lil blood!血债血偿!风暴之灵=出生音效=- By the Great Winds, I come!我随风而来!=选定音效=- Out with it!脱颖而出- I am prepared.准备就绪- Enlighten me!指导我吧- Thy bidding?汝之命令?=行动/执行动作音效=- No one shall be the wiser.没人比我更贤明- It has ...


- Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。 - Doubles! - Got Milk? 要奶吗? - There''s a lot at stake here! 别的地方有很多树桩! - Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嗨,在我PP上印的什么字? - Oh ley !** - (玻璃碎裂...


(选择03) State thy bidding. 言汝之命 (行动00) You think as I do. 你的想法就是我的做法 (行动01) It shall be done. 它应该完成了 (行动02) My path is set. 我的路径被设定了 (行动03) Ee\'tahk (神族语) Archon (出场00) The merging is complete! 合成完毕! (闲聊00) It all looks...


是时候了。 it's about time. 又一次由精灵决定一切了。 once again, it's up to the elves. 下来,小东西! get down, sparky! 再点击我一次,宝贝。 click me baby, one more time. 你也许需要一本战略指导。 maybe you should get a strategy guide. 我不记得曾对你施放过减速术。 i don't ...


挟细拿粗xiéxì-nácū [provoke a dispute] 寻事生非,挑剔冒犯 谁敢向他行 挟细拿粗?这 刁顽全不想他妻我妇。——元· 关汉卿《鲁斋郎》挟制 xiézhì [take advantage of sb.'s weakness to enforce obedience;force sb to do one's bidding] 依仗权势或抓住对方缺点,强使顺从 ...
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