
don't ed sheeran



歌曲:what's up 歌手:张惠妹 专辑:妹力四射 and i say hey...i say hey what's going on.and i say hey i say hey what's going on 25 years of my life and still.i'm trying to get up that great big hill of hope.for a destination.i realized quickly when i knew i ...

have not 与 don't have 的区别

have not=don't have a/any均表示否定,意为没有 eg:I don't have a book=I have no{not a} book. I don't have any boxes=I have no boxes.当have表示“拥有”的意思时,两种说法都可以 ,你的意思是没有朋友, have在这里表示“有”。所以两句话都对 ,但如“I don't have...


歌曲:corazon de melao(女人心)歌手:张学友 专辑:touch of love 作曲:jose antonio rodriguez manuel tejada 作词:hans ebert corazon de melao, melao melao melao emmaneul thinks about the girl.he knows all too well shes got him a tangle and shes got him in her spell she dances ...


中文翻译过来为《弥撒》,也可以翻译为《祈祷》,歌曲旋律来自18世纪奥地利军乐《Luiskalied》,歌词由德军中尉库尔特威勒(德语:Kurt Wiehle)于1933年6月25日在前往德国柯尼希斯布吕克(德语:Königsbrück)镇途中创作,歌词为:无论风雨冰雪,还是太阳微笑;骄阳似火,还是寒冷夜晚。面对着扑面灰尘...

请有兴趣的朋友试试手 谢绝翻译软件与灌水 :)

对照著来,看的清楚 :)风继续吹 The wind goes on blowing 我劝你早点归去 I tried to tell U to go 你说你不想归去 But U said U wanni' stay 只叫我抱着你 Just asked to stay in my arms 悠悠海风轻轻吹冷却了野火堆 The gentle kiss of sea breeze may quench the flame 我看见...


He's riding hard to catch that herd, but he ain't caught 'em yet 'Cause they've got to ride forever on that range up in the sky On horses snorting fire As they ride on hear their cry As the riders loped on by him he heard one call his name If you want to save ...

不死之身 歌词(包括双重音)

《不死之身》是收录在林俊杰在其第四张专辑《曹操》中的电玩虚拟爱情主打。由新加坡音乐创作才子林俊杰亲自作曲并演唱,歌词感人,再配上婉转的音乐.让你不得不爱上这首歌曲.曲头还有一段悠扬的笛声,让你仿佛置身于其中.这首曲子的MV更是想象新奇,感觉美丽,词曲中不乏有一种悲伤之情.词:林秋离 ...


No matter if the sun don't shine ( the sun don't shine)Or if the skies are blue (skies are blue)No matter what the end is My life began with you I can't deny what I believe ( what I believe)I can't be what I'm not (I know I know )I know this love's ...


你踢起地上的落叶 魔法消失了You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost 他们告诉我你蔚蓝的天空渐已灰暗 They tell me your blue skies fade to gray 他们告诉我你心中的热情也已冷淡 They tell me your passion’s gone away Hey 朋友! 我不想看到你就这样半途而废 And I don't need...

"你究竟是怎么了" 是哪首歌曲?

tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=%C4%D1%B5%C0%B0%AE%D2%BB%B8%F6%C8%CB%D3%D0%B4%ED%C2%F0&t=2" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=%C4%D1%B5%C0%B0%AE%D2%BB%B8%F6%C8%CB%D3%D0%...
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