
expected primary-expression before "else" C语言,错在哪里


C++ 提示:../main.c:26: error: expected primary

这个是FDEV_SETUP_STREAM这个宏定义的问难,看上去是个函数其实这个FDEV_SETUP_STREAM是个宏:define FDEV_SETUP_STREAM {...} 问题出在那对花括号里面,使用了只有C才支持的语法。目前C++还不支持这个语法扩展,因此这条语句没有办法在C++下面编译。这个语法是C99标准新增的,而对应的C++标准C++ 0x还...


WHILE '(' expression ')' statement | FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement ')' statement | FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement expression ')' statement jump_statement


temp=a*;a*=b*;b*=temp;a* b* 是什么东西?是*a *b好不好 a 和 b 是指针,*运算符要放在指针的前面 具体参看:深入理解C语言指针的奥秘 http://www.softhouse.com.cn/html/200503/2005032411243900005877.html


This sentence should be "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a no smoking America." learners should learn new words in the sentence, look at it in sentence what ingredients, thus know their parts of speech, see it in the paper how explanation, thus know its meaning; See it be...


英文:"Fei-Mei Ying-chun containing tender in full bloom, and Liu Shu Feng Fu to shoot," the annual Spring Festival has come, and New Year's is a highlight of the Spring Festival, and in previous years, mom and dad, uncle, aunt and brother took me to the uncle in the ...
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