
get out of one's way是什么意思???



1)含有get的短语有:get ready for 为…… 做准备,get up 起床,get on, with 与人相处,get down下来, get dressed穿衣服,get back取回;回来,got on 上车,get off下车,get to 到达,get out of从……出来, get lost迷路。 2)含go的短语有:go swimming去游泳, goes on继续;持续, go to school去上学...


1)含有get的短语有:get ready for 为…… 做准备,get up 起床,get on, with 与人相处,get down下来, get dressed穿衣服,get back取回;回来,got on 上车,get off下车,get to 到达,get out of从……出来, get lost迷路。 2)含go的短语有:go swimming去游泳, goes on继续;持续, go to school去上学...

有一首英文歌 女的唱的 高潮部分的歌词好像是是calling to you 是...

I’m a mess in a dress,Can’t show up on time,Even if it would save my life.According to you. According to you.But according to him I’m beautiful,Incredible,He can’t get me out of his head.According to him I’m funny,Irresistible,Everything he ever wanted.Everything...

英语单词run 有多少种意思~

be run off one's feet非常忙碌run (a competitor) close紧逼;紧追run for逃跑run foul of与…撞在一起run (sb.) off (sb.'s) feet使疲于奔命run into the ground使精疲力尽run the danger of冒…风险runn.跑;奔to go for a run去跑步短途旅行There are no stops on the run to the coast.在...


Walk me out of here.把我带出这里。I'm in pain.让我远离伤痛。Once U've found that lover.一旦你找到了你的爱人。U're homeward bound.你就会心系于家。Love is all around.爱就在你周围。I know some have fallen.我知道有人摔到了。On stony ground.摔到在无情的土地上。But Love is...

汇率方面的英文参考文献 最少来3个 谢谢 !~!!!

The empirical determination of a constant RER value could never be realised, due to limitations on data collection. PPP would imply that the RER is the rate at which an organization can trade goods and services of one economy (e.g. country) for those of another. For example, if the ...


The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe.Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the princel.No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two step-sisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try...


举例:She's been much happier since she came out.她公开了自己是同性恋者以后就快活多了。In her speech, the Minister came out against any change to the existing law.这位部长在她的讲话中表示不同意对现行法律作任何更改。I can't get this screw to come out of the wall.我无法把这...

get involved 后面到底是跟in还是with?

1 complicated in thought or form (思想或形式上)复杂的: an involved sentence, explanation, style of writing, etc 复杂的句子、 解释、 文体等.2 (a) ~ (in sth) concerned (with sth) (与某事物)有关联的: be/become/get involved in politics, criminal activities, etc 与政治、 ...


迷恋 be infatuated with be spoony over crush infatuation madly cling to 这些都是迷恋的英语表述 绝对正确
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