
go out of one's way to do sth是什么意思


《sound of music(音乐之声)》中的 Do Re Mi的歌词

So we put in words. One word for every note. Like this.When you know the notes to sing You can sing most anything Together!When you know the notes to sing You can sing most anything Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far...


i'm trying to get up that great big hill of hope.for a destination.i realized quickly when i knew i should.that the world was made up of this brotherhood of man.for whatever that means.so i cry sometimes when i'm lying in bed.to get it all out what's in my head.th...

什么歌的歌词很伤感?? 要很伤感的那种,如果是英文的,请附带翻译...

亲不防听听看8eight的<没有心脏>,是我很喜欢的一首韩文歌。。。顺带附上中文歌词,希望亲喜欢啦。。。8Eight -没有心脏 如果说痛 好像真的会很痛 如果说难过 好像就会流泪 所以这样一直笑着 一直笑着 笑着 可是 人们会问我为什么笑 每天反复的笑着哭着 我为什么这样 分不清是酒还是饭 生活在这种...

...can I do yo make you love me,too... 不知是什么歌啊?

What can I do to make you care What can i do to get you there What can I say to make you feel this What can I do to get you there There's only so much i can take Corrs, The There's only so much I can take And i just got to let go And I just got to let ...


2、 [优美名曲]《寂静山林The Sounds Of Silence》 3、 [自然音乐]《春野One Day in Spring》 4、 [冥想音乐]《蓝色天际Heaven Blue》 5、 [放松音乐]《迷雾森林Mist》 6、 [心灵音乐]《日光海岸Sunny Bay》 7、 [灵感音乐]《梦花园Garden of Dreams》 8、 [清晰音乐]《琉璃湖畔Crystal Lake》 9、 [舒...


WECG音乐欣赏模式 A Special Kind of Hero(86世界杯主题曲)WECG音乐欣赏模式 To be number one(90世界杯主题曲)WECG音乐欣赏模式 Gloryland(94世界杯主题曲)WECG音乐欣赏模式 Do You Mind If I Play(98世界杯主题曲1)WECG音乐欣赏模式 The Cup Of Life(98世界杯主题曲2)WECG音乐欣赏模式 Let's ...


it feel like everything is out to make me lose control cause it\'s a long long journey till i find my way home to you.to you 参考资料:<a href="http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3lyric&ct=150994944&lf=2&rn=10&word=It+s+a+long+long+journey&lm=-1" target...

give me your love to night

just for one day give me your love tonight, just tonight when all my sads tomorrow's out of sight give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do in the morning i'll be on my way take what i give tonight, just tonight make sweet dreams on my pillow hold me tight take what...


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