
i'm from australia i live in



It's now A far-off distance就在此刻 这遥远的距离I believe in my destiny我坚信着我的命运Everyone knows! I'm not ever alone人尽皆知 我从不孤身一人Tomorrow never dies I can fly anytime明日永不消逝 我可以随时展翅高飞I have the truth from the past我从过去中得到真实...


B. Who is the woman in red? C. Where are you from, Madam? D. Could you help me, Madam? 25. 当你不小心踩到别人的脚时,应说: A. I am glad to know you. B. I am very sorry. C. I'm all right. D. How are you? B) 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话。(答案涂在答...

...an email to my new penpals in australia是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答 i'm writing an email to my new penpals in australia 中文意思是:我正在写一封电子邮件给我在澳大利亚的新笔友 希望能帮到你,谢谢

i'm from indonesia是什么意思

i'm from indonesia 我来自印度尼西亚 Indonesia 英[ˌɪndəʊ'ni:zjə]美[ˌɪndə'ni:ʒəˌ -ʃəˌ -doʊ-]n. (东南亚岛国) 印尼;全部释义>> [例句]The Annual Variation of the Monsoon in the...

...from?i'm not sure,but his accent ___Australia

suggest有“暗示、表明”之意;sound是“听起来”之意,但后面应该接形容词,比如It sounds interesting,这里是Australia,所以应该排除sounds这个选项。

...tow.和Lord,I'm five hundred miles away from home.是什么意思...

意思如下:Lord I'm one, lord I'm two 上帝啊,一百里,两百里 Lord I'm five hundred miles away from door 上帝啊,我已离家五百里 补充 《500 miles》由美国民谣歌手“Hedy West”创作,歌词中那些反复吟唱的部分,读起来有一种古代诗经的味道。 简单的歌词,却写出了一个年轻人为了实现梦想...

Hi.I'm Amy.I"m from The uk怎么读

Hi.I'm Amy.I"m from the Uk.的英文音标是 [haɪ aɪm ˈeɪmɪ, aɪm frəm ðə ˌju:'keɪ]意思是你好,我是艾米,我来自英国。重点词汇 UKUK的音标是英 [ˌju:'keɪ] 美 [ˌju:'ke...

怎么使用print()函数输出“I'm from China”?

在python中:print("I'm from China")就可以了。


last night?D. I like watching , too. The animals are veryinteresting, aren’t they?E. Yes, I did.F. Idon’t think so I’m afraid of fightthrillers. I like funny storiesG. That’s true. Iwish the animals we will live in a harmonious world.H. I don’t like ...


Her rising popularity allowed her to choose from a wider variety of projects[4] and, at age 19, Lohan felt Herbie would help her make the transition into more grown-up roles. "In most of my other films, I was in high school," she said. "Here, [my character is] just out of ...
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