
i'm hungry let's什么some pies?



I'm,音标:英[aɪm]abbr.我是。I'm是I am的缩写,常用来和其他单词组合在一起,用来表达自己正在做什么。例句:I'm so glad that we've found you at last!我们终于找到你了,我真是太高兴了!也可以加一些修饰词,例如:I'm extremely tired.我非常累。I'm terribly hungry.我...


I'm 音标:英 [aɪm] 美 [aɪm] ,I'm是I am 的缩写,是常用的口语形式,意思是“我是...”I'm sorry 对不起 I'm afraid 我害怕;恐怕 I'm coming 我来了 I'm ok 我很好

i'm very hungry是什么句是特殊疑问句还是祈使句还是肯定句还是否定句还...

I’m very happy. (肯定句 )陈述句 。- Who ‘s very happy ? 特殊疑问句 I’m not very happy . 否定句 - Are you very happy ? 一般疑问句 Be very happy ! 祈使句

...walked so far that I'm hungry.Let's find?

-We've walked so far that I'm hungry.Let's find a restaurant___-Good idea.A、to eat B、for eating C、to be eaten D、to eat at A、B的解释是作为目的状语,针对find来说,C是错误的,D的解释是不定式作定语修饰restaurant 好的,问题来了,到底是A、B、D中那个是正确的答案呢?


On the other hand, "I'm hungry" is a phrase that is used to express a physical need for food. It is a very basic and common human need, and most people experience hunger at some point in their lives.While there may be some overlap between the two phrases in certain ...

I'm hungry. I would like ___ a large bowl of dumplings.

楼主你好此题选D 译句:我饿了。我想要吃一大碗饺子。would like经常用于这类问句,某种程度上来说是可以和want互换的。这道题关键只要记住一个要点:would like to do sth.【就像want to do sth.】

I'm hungry 算短语吗

算短语,意思是:我饿了。重点词汇:hungry。英['hʌŋɡri]释义:adj.感到饿的,饥饿的;渴望的,热望的;使人饥饿的,引起食欲的;不毛的,贫瘠的。[比较级hungrier;最高级:hungriest]短语:Stay Hungry保持饥饿;饥肠辘辘;饥饿生存。词语使用变化:adj.(形容词)1、hungry的...

i'm hungry改为一般疑问句

I am hungry.改成一般疑问句:Are you hungry?Hungry是一个英语单词,意思是“饥饿的”,通常用来形容人或动物因为长时间没有吃东西而感到饥饿的状态。这个单词在日常生活中经常被使用,可以用来形容自己或者别人的饥饿感受。拓展:除了hungry这个单词之外,还有很多其他的单词也可以用来形容饥饿的状态。比如...
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