
i'm from australia i live in


八年级上 I've been studying hisitory in China 全文

My name is Leo.I'm from Australia,and i've been teaching in China for two years.I teach in Harbin,the capital of Heilongjiang Province.This is an interesting city with a very colorful history.There is some European influence in the city,and some of the old buildings in Harbin...

新目标英语 unit6 I've been studying history in china

I've been studying history in china.My name is leo,I'm form australia,and i've been teaching in china for two years ,i teach in harbin,the capital of heilongjiang province,this is an interesting city with a very colorful history,there is some european in fluence in the city...


1、澳大利亚的英文是Commonwealth of Australia澳大利亚联邦英语Commonwealth of Australia,简称“澳大利亚”Australia,其领土面积7692万平方公里,位于南太平洋和印度洋之间,四面环海是世界上唯一国土覆盖一整个大陆的;___stre_li_naustralian作形容词时意思是澳大利亚的澳大利亚人的,作名词是意思为澳大利亚人例...

I'm from Australia ,and() () () in China() tow years 我来自澳大利 ...

你好!正确答案为:I'm from Australia, and ( I have taught) in China (for) two years.^___^祝你学习进步! 如有疑问,请追问!如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!

hi i'm koala,i am from 什么it is 什么in Australia now?

答:Hi, I'm koala, I am from Australia. It is hot in Australia now.




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amp;gt;summer camp.Now,let you know me.My name is Zhanghua.I'm fifteen years old.I live in Guangzhou with my parents.I study very hard,and History is my favourite subject. I also like Biology the best.So I want to be a Biology teacher when I grow up. I have a lot...


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