
it's a nice day


eminem 有首歌叫supermen~ 求中文发音对照歌词 不是翻译 看清楚哦...

I can't be your superman,唉看比哟速配满 Can't be your superman,看比哟速配满 Can't be your superman,看比哟速配满 Your superman, your superman...哟速配满 哟速配满 Don't get me wrong,懂给米让 I love these hoes,艾拉帝死后 It's no secret...

请问感叹句的How,What a,What用法有什么区别。

如果修饰形容词,则句中的谓语动词用系动词;如果how修饰副词,则句中的谓语动词用行为动词,这类句子的结构形式是: How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语+(it is). 如:① How cold it is today! 今天多么冷呀! ② How nice the pictures are! 多么漂亮的图画呀! ③ How happy they ...


Wednesday,August 2nd 星期三八月二日 It was a fine day! I went to several places of interest such as the Great Wall and Tiananmen square.I was amazed by China's historical background and the industrious Chinese people who built the Great Wall. People are very friendly here...


Christmas一词时, 就联想到Children's Day,Women's Day, Teachers’Day,Tree—Planting Day,Mid—autumn Festival,National Day, New Year’s Day, Spring Festival等一系列的节日名词。 ③构词联想记忆:利用同根词(词形转换)联想记忆,注意词性。英语单 词中有许多词具有一词多性的特点,如open既可作动词用,又...

have a good time的用法

好的。have a good time意思是:过的愉快,它还有同意词组,例如,have a nice time/enjoy oneself等。给你举个例子:I have a good time every day.(我每天都过得愉快)=I enjoy myself every day.

书评&影评 ‖《One Day》

但是人言可畏,也希望这种拥有这种观念的人不要试图用你们的三观去衡量每个人的所为,因为你也不一定就是对的,也别试图让所有人的三观跟你们一致,谁都有独立思考和自己做决定的权利。很多事情,没有对错,愿意选择别人眼里的那些“错”是因为我觉得对。Have a nice life Yummy SU ...
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