
it's no use to do还是doing?


一道选择题 it is no use ()much but ()less

选B it is no use doing but to do 对某事来说,做某事是没有用的,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

there's no hope/chance 接to do还是doing?和there's no point doing有...

to do it seems that there is no hope to finish the work today.看起来今天完成这项工作是没有希望了。There is no hope for him to escape from this prison.他在这个监狱里是逃不出去的。Is there really no chance to start once again?真的没有机会再次开始吗?There is no chance for...


It is no use crying.哭没有用。It is no good objecting.反对也没有用。It is a great fun playing football.打篮球很有趣。It is a waste of time trying to explain.设法解释是浪费时间。It is + useless (nice, good,interesting, expensive等形容词)+ doing sth.It is useless ...


1.choose to do 选择做某事 2.I must go over last week's lessons for the exam.3.Is anyone hurt?有人受伤吗?hurt是过去分词表被动

it's worthwhile to do还是doing

it's worthwhile to do 不是doing it is worth doing


它是烦人的总是学习和从不玩得快乐。 /它对研究而且从不总是烦人的玩得快乐。恩...是对的。

到底是It' fun to do还是doing啊啊啊!!!

是to doing 。像拉二胡教科书上说是play the erhu。其实二胡是国产的,所以不加the应该是play erhu .

lt’s not good 后面加to do还是dong~~

to do  it 作形式主语真正的主语用to do / it's adj to do 可以当成固定表达 但是it's no good/use doing

make up one's mind后面接什么?是to do还是doing?它和set one's mind...

to do 例句:Only you must make up your mind to avoid strong drink.不过你可得先下决心不再喝酒才成.He has make up his mind to prove that Mary's argument doesn't hold water.他决心要证明玛丽的论点是站不住脚的.set one's mind to 决心做 感觉没区别.
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