
let's have a drink



Only - Nicki Minaj&Drake&Lil Wayne&Chris BrownYo, I never fucked Wayne,哟 我从没骗过韦恩I never fucked Drake从没骗过德雷克All my life, man, fuck's sake天啊 我这辈子也不会骗他们If I did I menage with em如果我和他们住一起And let em eat my ass like a cupcake我就主动让...


这段黄金岁月因为第一次世界大战的来临而结束。工人阶级的不满愈来愈高涨。1917年时,共产党来了并向人民保证和平与繁荣。St.Petersburg had become Petrograd in 1914.People wanted a Russian name for their city.Ten years later,the city's name changed again,this time to Leningrad.Then in ...


just a second it's my favorite song they're gonna play 等一下,他们现在正在放我最喜欢的歌 and i cannot text you with a drink in my hand eh…我手里拿着饮料所以就不能给你发信息了 you shoulda made some plans with me 你也知道我是自由身了 you knew that i was free 所以你...

I'm a bit upset about this year's bonus. a bit of还是a bit?_百度...

She's a bit/a little afraid of the teacher.(形容词)她有点怕老师。Her mother feels a bit/a little better today.(比较级)她母亲今天感觉好一些。2.for a bit和for a little意思相同,相当于for a while或for a short time,可互换。例如:Let's rest for a bit/a little.让我们休息...
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