
management account & financial account?



董事长依靠财务部提供销售情况。The chairman rely on the finance department for information on sale.她从财务部一职位上退下。She retired from her position in the account department.财务部为股东准备了一份财务报表。The account department have prepare a financial statement for the shareholder....


At present, there are many rural areas of financial management issues, the main problems: the resources ambiguous, unclear property rights and no ...fees for accounting, in accordance with the special account to store, the account management, earmarking the principle to standardize management. Compens...

Financial Statement是什么表啊?

“Financial Statement”是财务报表某一组织财务信息的报告书,包括资产负债表(或 “财务状况表”)、利润表和现金流量表。应答时间:2021-10-08,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。[平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~https://b.pingan.com.cn/paim/iknow/index.html ...



银行账号 英文

银行卡(Bank Card)、 银行账号(account number)。银行卡减少了现金和支票的流通,使银行业务突破了时间和空间的限制,发生了根本性变化。银行卡自动结算系统的运用,使这个“无支票、无现金社会”的梦想成为现实。2017年8月1日,起银行卡年费管理费取消,暂停商业银行部分基础金融服务收费。

常用会计英语 有哪些?谢谢!

Account Code Account Title 1001 现金 Cash 1002 银行存款 Cash in Bank 1015 其他货币资金 Other cash and cash equivalents 1101 交易性金融资产(短期投资) Held for trading financial assets 1121 应收票据 Note receivable 1122 应收账款 Account receivable 1123 预付帐款 Account prepaid 1231 ...


First, is advantageous to the expansion state-owned commercial bank right of autonomous management, the enhancement competitive power. After the ...positively provides the proxy for other financial organ to distribute the bond, the silver card account transfer, the proxy insures, the fund trust...

请问Financial accounting中的trade creditor和trade debtor怎么解释啊...

...creditor 是债权人 也是贷方 debtor 是债务人 也是借方 你学accounting 的么? 这种概念不能错啊 大哥 ...债权人帐户(creditor) 是属于 负债类(liabilities)很简单的理解 一个公司的债权人就是指 这个公司的 capital suppliers (资本的提供者)他们借钱给 这个公司所以对公司来说是负债 .....


our auditors, XXX, are conducting an audit of our financial statements. According to “Auditing Standards of Chinese Certified Public Accountants” ,...Please note that this is just a confirmation of account balance(s) and not a request for payment. We appreciated that the account may have been...


1, tracking the execution of the contract shall be responsible for the management, establish and equipment contract ledger, fund account, timely records, check each sum of detailed information, regular prepare financial statements, statistical report,2, responsible and provincial branch ...
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