
on april fool's day



5. Scotland extends the fun over 48 hours, where an "April Gowk" is the term used for an April Fool. "Gowk" is an alternate name for a cuckoo bird.6. In the United States, people play light-hearted pranks on friends and others on April 1st. A common joke involves ...



Dictation 5 April Fool's Day

So what kind of pranks do people play on April Fool's Day?/ Well, there are lots of simple tricks/ that you can play on your friends./ For example, you could wear a black sweater / and pull a piece of white thread through it, / so that people try to pull it off./...


3. So, what kind of practical jokes do people play on April Fool's Day? Actually, there are numerous simple tricks you can pull on your friends. For instance, you could set someone's alarm clock to the wrong time to make them late for work or glue a coin to the floor ...


more than 10,000 people had phonedTV station to find out how to get this water.Many April Fools jokes may end up being not very funny. A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fool's Day He asked her to marry. The lady was so happy because s...


1. Nick: Have you ever been pranked on April Fool's Day, Dave?Dave: Yes, I had a friend who invited me to a costume party. When I arrived, I realized there was no costume party at all; just one person getting dressed. It was incredibly embarrassing. What about you, ...


愚人节英语笑话 4.1愚人节快到啦,愚人节是个充满欢乐的日子,一个善意的谎言,惹得大家哄堂大笑,岂不快哉。本文整理了愚人节英语笑话,跟小伙伴们好好耍耍吧!愚人节英语笑话 篇1 1.why are people tired on april fool's day? (愚人节人们为什么疲倦?)答:because they have just had a ...

People make fun of others on April Fool's day

make fun of 取笑,捉弄的意思 make fun of sb 取笑/捉弄某人 =laugh at sb/play a joke on sb/put the joke on sb/tease sb 用另一个句子解释原句的话,可以是:April Fool's day is the day on which people play jokes on others.(定语从句)=April Fool‘s day is the day when ...

谁可以给出这篇短文的正确翻译 April Fool's Day



The origin of April Fools' Day is shrouded in mystery, but it likely emerged in France following the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1582. During the sixteenth century, France began the new year on April 1st, a tradition that involved festive parties and late-night dancing. ...
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