
others&the others的区别



championed the cause of civil rights.See Synonyms at support 为民权事业而斗争参见 support Obsolete To defy or challenge.【废语】 抵抗:公然不顾或挑战 adj.(形容词)Holding first place or prize:得第一名的,一等奖的:a champion show dog.得一等奖的参展狗 Superior to all others:胜过的...


一、champion 英 [ˈtʃæmpiən] 美 ['tʃæmpɪən]n冠军;捍卫者,拥护者;战士 vt.为…而斗争,捍卫,声援 adj.优胜的;第一流的 1、She outpaced the former Olympic champion Evelyn Ashford.她超过了前奥运冠军伊芙琳·阿什福德。2、He ...


2. 写别人家庭的英语作文 If I am to write about other family, then I will be like gossiping about others. In order not to looks like gossiping, I must flatten the family with bullsh-t. I suppose praising is pliment. Deng is my good friend. His family consist of four members. His ...


wikipedia里The Beatles的简介:Origin(来自):Liverpool, England Genre(s)(流派):Rock, pop Years active(活跃时期):1960–1970, 1994–1995 Label(s)(唱片公司):Parlophone, Capitol, Odeon, Apple, Vee-Jay, Polydor, Swan, Tollie, United Artists Records 2、Avant-garde是“先锋,前卫...


做人要诚实英语作文 篇2 It Pays to Be Honest Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake product to their consumers; some students cheat in the exams. Dishonest people are short-sighted. Those who sell...


(2)过去完成进行时表示过去某一时刻之前开始的动作或状态一直延续到过去某一时刻。例如: It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places. (3)将来完成进行时表示在将来某一时刻之前开始的一个动作或状态一直延续到将来某一时刻。例如: By the...


(2) [straps]∶背背包用的带子(3) [sling]∶背枪用的带子4. 背带裤 bēidàikù[rompers] 背带或背心连裤童装5. 背负 bēifù(1) [carry on the back]∶用背驮背负着衣包(2) [be entrusted with]∶承当;担负背负着人民的希望6. 背黑锅 bēi hēiguō[take the blame for the fault of others] ...


《海上钢琴师》The Legend of 1900 虽然是意大利片,但是作为我的至爱,仍然想推荐。请放心,本片是英语片,对话清晰而且值得模仿。天才,执着,孤独,yearning for freedom, American dream,这些都是本片的关键词。很多人不能理解为什么主角一生都不肯下船,我是这样理解的:如果一个山里长大的原始人,...

ICH-GCP 10.2 Roles & Responsibilities(2)

The NIDA Clinical Trials Network has established processes to apply GCP, to maximize its node and multicenter platform, and that adhere to policies for NIH-sponsored research. The following defines the infrastructure variations and processes established in the CTN that may differ from other research....
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