
others&the others的区别



有个词组/成语:倚老卖老:take advantage of one's seniority 补充回答:告诉楼主,没有那样的谚语,因为谚语或格言,表达的是普遍真理并在长期使用过程中获得确认的格言,或实用的箴言,是有相当的寓意的。这“倚老卖老”最多只能算是一个人的处世或处事的态度、习惯等,它不能表示任何真理性的事情...


1.b with短语在此处只是为了形容那个女孩,把with red shoes 去掉并不影响句子的完整,句子真正的主语是the girl 为单数,所以应该用looks 2.look,some are dancing to the music,Others are claping their hands 此处只是为了说明大家此时的状态,用现在进行时态 3.the pupils hurried to the ...


Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. ---Bacon一些书可以浅尝即止;一些书可以狼吞虎咽;而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。 ---培根The three foundations of learning; seeing much, suffering much, and studying much. ---Catherall求学的三...


Dictates Tempo - Dictates pace of game from the midfield 控制节奏 - 从中场控制比赛的速度。 Dives Into Tackles - Some player go to ground more than others 倒地铲球 - 有些球员会比其他球员更多地倒地铲球。 这个习惯的英文描述容易引起歧义,很多地方都把它翻译成了一铲就倒,但是根据拥有这个习惯的球员...

高中英语作文:More care for others

检举 Take Care For Others People hold different opinions about relationship between each other.In my opinion,we should take more care for others to build up a sound and harmony relationship.More care for others brings love to the world.In 2008,there was a serious earthquake in ...


美亚里桑那州硅化木公园发现一条距今2亿2千5百万年鸵鸟大小200磅最大的恐龙的恐龙化石。最迟出现的恐龙 角龙类恐龙在白垩纪距今1亿3千5百万年以后最盛 最大的恐龙 据美国阿而伯克基地区发现的震龙全长39---52米重达80吨。最小的恐龙 新颌龙(体长60厘米,重5.5千克)Dinosaur most The earlie...


Story begins with the story of a girl named Alice, and sister in an accident when reading a book into the world. There, she experienced a lot in reality things are not. Talking rabbits, can change into small pills, and the moves of the poker, and when she suddenly woke up...


我是人教版的《春》朗润 山朗润起来了,水涨起来了,太阳的脸红起来了。酝酿 莺儿酝酿着自己的美梦,婉转的唱出独特的歌谣。卖弄 古代有一个人不知天高地厚的到鲁班面前卖弄自己的手艺,后人称为班门弄斧。婉转 鸟儿婉转动听的唱出独特的歌谣。嘹亮 红歌会上,我们用最嘹亮的我歌声赞颂伟大的祖国。...


雪覆四野,高山迟滞。Blankets and bed clothers the child of maintain 眠而不觉,寒笳清嘶。 Sleeps unaware of the clarion call.嘱彼佳人,营我家室。 Tell her to find me an acre of land.蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷。 Parsley sage rosemary and thyme.良田所修,大海之坻。 Between the salt ...

哈利波特1 精彩对白 中英对照 10句话以上

8. Alliances are important. There are a lot of alliances throughout the Harry Potter story. People create alliances for strength or to change the way things are.盟友是重要的。在哈利·波特的故事里有许多种不同的盟友。人们是为了壮大力量或者改变事物而结盟的。9. Alliances can be ...
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