5. 背负 bēifù(1) [carry on the back]∶用背驮背负着衣包(2) [be entrusted with]∶承当;担负背负着人民的希望6. 背黑锅 bēi hēiguō[take the blame for the fault of others] 比喻代人受过,泛指受冤屈7. 背饥荒 bēi jīhuang[be in debt] [口]∶负债最近他背了不少饥荒8. 背筐 bēikuāng...
1. Hey, I’ve got some news, some good news and some bad news.2. OK, give me the bad news first. 3. We're moving to a new office.4. When is this going to happen?5. We are supposed to move at the end of next month.6. How far away is the new office?7...
根据内容的不同,分析型作文一般可分为分析原因型、分析作用型、分析优劣型、分析影响型、分析状况型、分析决定因素型及分析解决方法型等不同类型。 引出原因的四种表达:There are three/various reasons for...;What are the possible reasons for.../Why...?;Possible reasons for ... may be as follows;Pos...
看到你我真高兴。2.就那样,像这样;如此 Hold the fork so.要这样拿叉子。3.(so后用倒装结构)也如此,也一样 I was tired, and so were the others.我累了,其他人也一样。I like dancing; so does my wife.我喜欢跳舞,我太太也喜欢。4.(so置于句首)确是如此,正是那样 5.因此,所以 He ...
应该是d'autres 而不是d'autre 他们的意思是一样,只是一个是用在只有一样东西/人,而d'autres使用在两样东西/人以上。autre是《其他的东西或人》,d'autres 是de+autres意思是《其他的东西或人》例句:une autre personne=另外一个人。d'autres(也就是de+autres但因为e和a不能贴在一起出现...
513. 皮尔•卡丹广告语:弘扬男士精品,一展男士风采! 皮尔•卡丹在这儿! 国际名牌---皮尔•卡丹! 514. 意大利摩登服装广告语:从容地来,潇洒地去! 摩登精品,全新感受,身份象征! 爽!帅! 意大利摩登服装 515. 翩翩风度,尽展意大利豪情! 爽!帅! 意大利摩登服装 516. 吕宋---更显您的风度! 吕宋牌服装 5...
24 East or west, home is the best.25 She says you have no hope of winning the role.26 There is a post office near here .27 He went there last year.28 I dare not say he is no fair and square.29 Some people are getting richer and richer while others are getting poorer...
5. 性骚扰:女人可以说“不” Say 'No'to Sexual Harassment6. 办公室真假性骚扰 Sexal harassment in the offices7. 女性在工作中所遭到的性骚扰 Sexual harassment of women at work8. 使人烦恼的原因,使人恐惧的原因 A cause of annoyance or harassment.9. 性骚扰现象的法律思考 Legal Thinking on ...
3。这套木制家具太重了,很难搬走。This wooden furniture is too heavy to move 4。那位老人一直把这件文物当作珍品来保存。That old man has always been preserving this antiquity as his treasure.5。你知道事实和观点的区别吗?Can you tell the difference between facts and opinions?6。观点...