
sister's noise



My shoes are small in comparison with my sister’s.12. come into being 出现; 产生; 形成This is how his idea came into being.13. extraordinaryextraordinary kindness 特别的和善extraordinary weather 反常的天气extraordinary power 特权an envoy extraordinary 特使extraordinary session 临时会议14. board a ...

baby shower 是什么意思?



It’s dark. Her sisters want to go home. 小鸭1:Oh, I’m very full and tired; I want to go home to sleep. 小鸭2.3.4:Me too. 鸭妈妈:OK .Let’s go.(鸭妈妈带着小鸭们回家。) 鸭妈妈:My children ,good night. 画外音:All the ducks kiss their mum, and they have a good sleep....

英语谜语,要答案是一个词的那种 不要答案是句子的,谢谢哦,越多越好啦...

20. When the boy fell into the water, what's the first thing he did?He got wet first of all.21. Who isn't your sister and isn't your brother, but is still a child of your mother and father?I myself.22. What has teeth but cannot eat?A comb.23. What kind of man...

马克吐温一部著名作品的英文简介 不要太长

and Huck, who grows to admire the Wilks sisters, decides to thwart the scam. He steals the dead Peter Wilks’s gold from the duke and the dauphin but is forced to stash it in Wilks’s coffin. Huck then reveals all to the eldest Wilks sister, Mary Jane. Huck’s plan for...


In the sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry enters a tumultuous puberty that, Rowling says, is based on her and her younger sister's own difficult teenage years.[12] Rowling also made an intimate statement about Harry's personal life: "Because of the demands of the ...


Cousin 在英语里,表哥、表姐、表弟、表妹、堂哥、堂姐、堂弟、堂妹都用同一个单词:Cousin

一个富有节奏感的歌(砰砰 啪 砰砰 啪 ,喂~~~喔~~~喂~~~喔~~~然后是英...

歌名《we will rock you》We're causin nutter devastation 我们要进行疯狂破坏 When we step in to the place 当我们踏进这个世界 And better believe that you can see 相信你会看到 We're gonna rock and never stop 我们要摇滚不停歇 And here we go again 就让我们再来一次 Hit you with ...

Ryan Gosling个人资料??

中文名:莱安·高斯利 英文名:Ryan Gosling 性 别:男 出生日期:1900-1-1 演员作品集 Stay Stay (2005-1-1)捷古华拉传 Che (2005-1-1)导购女郎 Shopgirl (2004-11-11)写我情真 The Notebook (2004-6-25)利蓝的美国 The United States of Leland (2003-9-12)杀人习作 Murder.By....


1. 樱兰高校男公关部 故事将超有钱的少爷小姐就读的名流高中——“私立桜兰学院高中部”的社团活动“男公关部”作为舞台。既有钱又有闲暇……穷极无聊的六个美少年为招待同样穷极无聊的千金小姐们,品味华丽而优雅的短暂时间,而成立了“男公关部”作品中不仅有ハルヒ被毫无常识的部员和作为客人的...
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