
viola da braccio造句 viola da braccioの例文 "viola da braccio...



seeViolin). It originated in the early 16th century as a member of the family called ‘viole da braccio’. The earliest source (1529) refers to a bass violin with three strings, tuned F-c-g. Later instruments added a fourth tuned to B♭ ...


The violin is a bowed string instrument with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is the smallest and highest-pitched member of the violin family of string instruments, which also includes the viola and cello.A violin is sometimes informally called a fiddle, no matter what kind...


The violin is a bowed string instrument with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is the smallest and highest-pitched member of the violin family of string instruments, which also includes the viola and cello.A violin is sometimes informally called a fiddle, no matter what kind...


大约从1450年开始,中提琴 viola一词一直是意大利语用来指示各种各样用弓子演奏的弦乐器时所用的名称。16世纪时,放在演奏者肩上的乐器viola da braccio( 手臂维奥拉 )和放在演奏者膝盖上或膝盖之间的乐器 viola da gamba( 腿上的维奥拉)有了区别。后来, viola da gamba 只用来指低音维奥尔琴。vi...


viola da gamba后来专指低音维奥尔琴,而viola da braccio则演变为现今的中提琴。中提琴的音色饱满而温暖,相较于小提琴更为厚实,这使得它在音乐中的表现更为深沉。18世纪中期,中提琴主要在管弦乐队中发挥作用。随着18世纪末弦乐四重奏的兴起,中提琴在室内乐中的地位逐渐提升。众多作曲家为中提琴创作...


the Renaissance fiddle, and the lira da braccio.[4] One of the earliest explicit descriptions of the instrument, including its tuning, was in the Epitome musical by Jambe de Fer, published in Lyon in 1556.[5] By this time, the violin had already begun to spread throughout Eur...


中提琴(Viola)的“名称”源自于“古大提琴”(Viola da gamba),但其实“古中提琴”(Viola da braccio)才是中提琴与小提琴的前身,因为古大提琴是夹于两腿之间拉奏,而古中提琴则和现在的中提琴一样,是架在肩上拉奏的。中提琴在管弦乐曲与室内乐曲中,常被用来加强节奏或填补和声。它的发展...


小提琴的前身是十五世纪的古提琴"viole da braccio",一种放在肩上用肩上用弓拉奏的弦乐器。至于制造小提琴的发源地,最着名的首推十六世纪意大利的克来摩纳(Cremona)。当地的着名小提琴制造家包括意大利人阿玛娣(Niccolo Amati 1596-1684)、史塔第发利(Antonio Stradivari 1644-1737)与瓜内里(Giuseppe...


中提琴(Viola)名称,源自古大提琴(Viola da gamba)。古大提琴是一种夹于两条腿之间拉奏的乐器。但其实古中提琴(Viola da braccio)才是中提琴与小提琴的前身,因为古中提琴是架在肩上拉奏的。中提琴的发展和历史与小提琴十分相似,但在独奏的场合缺少小提琴的适应性和,只好居伴奏的地位,使演奏的声音便和谐。 大...


历史上,中提琴的名字来源于古大提琴,但古中提琴(Viola da braccio)才是其前身,因为它最初是肩上拉奏的。中提琴的发展与小提琴相似,但独奏时其独特音色更多用于伴奏,为音乐增添和谐的色彩。在海登和莫扎特的弦乐四重奏中,中提琴因其优美的音色而被广泛使用。在19世纪,N·帕格尼尼曾拥有一把...
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