



virtue:n. 美德;德行;优点;贞操 读音:英['vɜːtʃuː]、美['vɜːrtʃuː]用法:virtue指人或物的优点长处,或指人的美德。例句:Fidelity to engagement is a virtue.信守诺言是一种美德。


去关心 ROSE (MUSK CLUSTER) - Charming 玫瑰(麝香蔷薇串) - 有魅力 ROSE (SINGLE FULL BLOOM) - I Love You, I Still Love You 玫瑰(单枝全开的) - 我爱你,我依然爱你 ROSE (GARLAND OR CROWN OF) - Beware Of Virtue, Reward Of Merit, Symbol Of Superior Merit 玫瑰(花环或花冠) - 当心美德(...


Beauty,unaccompanied by virtue,is as a flower without perfume.美而无德犹如花之无香。Bed is a medicine.好的睡眠是一剂良药。Beg from beggars and you’ll never be rich.向乞丐乞讨,你永远发不了财。Being on sea,sail;being on the land,settle.随遇而安。Better a glorious death than a shameful...

如何辨析merit worth value virtue

merit virtue 一般指人得品质 worth value 一般指事物的金钱或精神价值


Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue.勇敢和坚决是美德的灵魂。The path to glory is always rugged.光荣之路常坎坷。Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事,只要人肯试。The fire is the test of gold;adversity of strong man.烈火试真金,困苦炼壮士...


merit是成绩良好。英国研究生学位成绩划分:Pass-通过、Merit-优和Distinction-卓越三个等级,也有学校不管得到多少分最后只提供Pass(通过)。最好的成绩是pass with Distinction,与本科的一等学位相同,硕士最终成绩达到70%以上。其次则是pass with Merit,也就是成绩良好,在60%-69%之间。最后一档就是...


First, employees planning a common long-term vision. Vision is the company's development and future, is the fundamental objective of corporate behavior, the staff's confidence sources. See the distant lights, at the foot of the road until solid. Fleet out to sea, there is no ...


帮我翻译成英语,和各种花的花语太阳菊.木兰花.白美女樱.胡枝子.桔梗.芒草.葡萄.款冬.跳舞草.美人蕉海芋.冷杉树.棕桐大丽花.茴香.燕麦.罂麦.文竹.三轮草.满天星.樱草花.月见草.蝴蝶兰... 帮我翻译成英语,和各种花的花语太阳菊 .木兰花. 白美女樱 .胡枝子. 桔梗 .芒草 .葡萄 .款冬. 跳舞草 .美人蕉 海芋...

GRE填空两题问 求解答和思路 多谢

这道题同样,a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.是前面的___ fact的同义重复,所以空格应填入文献学家关注的事实,已知的五个选项里显然只有B选项的statistical(统计的)是文献学家的份内工作。(4) 凭借具有指示作用的形容词或代词来寻找重复Longdale and Stern discovered that mitochondria and...

advantages and disadvantages 两个词的近义词

privilege n.特权, 荣幸, 特别... in prep.在 ... 里...favor n.偏爱, 好意, 特权... welfare n.福利, 福利事业, 幸福 avail v.有利, 有助于 ; ... good adj.好的, 上等的,...facility n.设备, 设施, 才能... utility n.效用, 实用, 公用...upper hand 优势, 上风, 有利...
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