
we've only just begun歌词翻译


charice i love you 歌词翻译

don't want to hurt this thing we've just begun 不想伤害我们才刚开始的感情 i know i've said it, but can we forget this 我知道我说过,可是我们能否忘记它 以下意思一样不翻译了 i love you, and now i'll regret it (now i said it)i love you, i'm sorry i said it i ...

never saying goodbye 歌词翻译

I just wanna thank you 我只是想感谢你 For being a friend 成为我的朋友 Together we made it 我们在一起做的一切 Together we stand 我们相互扶持 All the times we've been blessed 那些我们被祝福的时光 Those times were the best 对我们来说 是最好的 (Peter) (...


我们经历过风雨 有人说我们不属于强者 他们将我们压下 但我们能否再站起来,而且更坚强 让我们迎着风雪前行(让我们出发)把灯打得低点(把灯打得低点)你从开始就在支持我们 我们知道你们是谁 这首歌属于你们 每个人,每个人,每个人 每个人,每个人,每个人都(啊)都想让我们知道他对我们的支持...

歌词翻译(英译汉)歌手:James blunt《Goodbye my lover》

Goodbye My Lover 再见了! 我的爱人 中文歌词:)~~我是否让你失望让你悲伤,我是否该背负罪恶感,接受审判 因为我们开始时我就看到了结局 是的,我看到了你的盲目,我知道我是赢家 因此我坚持我自己是永恒的真理 把你的灵魂丢进黑夜 也许会有结束,但永不会停止 有你的关怀,我会为你守侯 你抚慰我...

aren't you glad 的歌词翻译

Looking back, I think I’ve done alright.回望过去,我想我没错。And as the world turns on and on,同样随著世界的转变不断,Love is lost and love is won, laughed and cried when we were young.年轻时我们都哭过、笑过,爱情的路上有失有得。You went your own way. I survived.你...




英文歌词 Midnight Not a sound from the pavement Has the moon lost her memory She is smiling alone In the lamplight The withered leaves collect at my feet And the wind begins to moan Memory All alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days Life was beautiful then I ...

Cheater's Dilemma kayb 歌词翻译

骗子的DilemmaKay B我需要知道女孩我们何去何从,现在,它都是在大气层中我发现你欺骗了我,就像我在欺骗你和她现在的我们甚至从这里会发生什么也没人明白我有当我这样做是为了你最好相信婴儿,让你能做你自己的事情希望你准备好了,因为我们正在分崩离析,这不是时间哭泣婴儿擦干你的眼睛,我不能图有什么...


the mountain is a checkerboard-like vegetable, green bamboo and camphor set off the farm, in the farm side there is drooping of the Stir reflection in the pond. This world as if in a dream just as I am uncle and grandfather living in this dream home is in the village. Not...
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