what‘s the mean?语法对吗? 还是应该说what's mean? 为什么?请具体解释...
不对,应该是:What's the meaning? 或者 What does it mean?解释:mean 是实义动词,而be动词后面不能接动词原形。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)有不会的可以再问我:)
mean是个动词,这句话应该说 what does it mean?其名词形式为meaning,所以这句话还可说 what’s the meaning?意思都是“这是什么意思?”mean 作动词,有两个意思。1.意思、意味、暗示。I mean you are right。(我的意思是你是正确的。)2.打算。I dont mean to hurt you。(我没打算伤...
不可以,应该说: what's the meaning of it? 或者 what does it mean?
what's mean意思是“什么意思,意味着什么”。what's mean 词义:动词:什么意思,意味着什么。固定搭配:what's the love mean 什么是爱意味着 ; 爱的意思是什么 ; 有什么爱意味着。例句:1、What's that mean? 那是什么意思?2、One way of doing that is to come up with what's called...
这个短语通常用于描述某人打算或计划进行某个行动或活动。例如,当有人说“I mean to go to the gym this afternoon.”,这表示他们计划在今天下午去健身房。这里的“mean”表示意图或计划,而“to do”则指明了具体的行动。这种用法强调的是一个未来的计划或打算,...
3. What is the question (that/which) they are talking about? 4. Here is the man ( who/whom/that ) you want to see. 5. She's no longer the girl ( that) she used to be before. ●which: 指物;在定语从句中作主语,宾语,表语,定语。如: 1. The bookwhich/that was on the desk wa...
Hi,May I know what's the meaning of requirement in procedure (eg. RM0000), what's difference between this kind of requirment and req. in Access sequence detailed data?From the ABAP program point of view, I can say they are not different since they are the small ABAP program...
说不用刻意记语法 是因为你们老师讲的很详细吧 但是我们老师讲语法也就一笔带过啊 所以 6楼的第一句的观点本人暂不认同 不过各位多、都很谢谢啊 谢谢你们的回答 亲爱的同志们 还是很谢谢你们告诉我 课文不用背 熟读 熟读就行啦 哎~ 我真的很懒啊 展开 我来答 31个回答 #热议# 作为女性,你生活中...
What’s the population of Germany? 谓主What was the population of the world in 1950? 谓主Half of the population of China are women. 修饰语 主谓 2, 由 either …or 或neither …nor 连接的两个并列成分作主语,其谓语动词形式与后一个主语保持一致。如:Either Lily or Lucy is going to come.(...