yapo造句 yapoの例文 "yapo"是什麼意思
It's difficult to find yapo in a sentence. 用 yapo 造句挺难的
英语:I love you 法语:Je t'aime,Je t'adore 德语:Ich liebe Dich 希腊语:S'agapo 犹太语:Ani ohev otach(male or famale),Ani ohevet otcha (male or famale)匈牙利:Szeretlek 爱尔兰:taim i'ngra leat 爱沙尼亚:Mina armastan sind 芬兰:Min rakastan sinua 比利时佛兰芒语:IK zie u...
Yapo 's Hollywood directing debut, the drama film " Premonition ", starring Sandra Bullock, was released to cinemas in March 2007 and grossed 85m $ worldwide. On 8 August 2009, upon the expiry of Yanon Yapo 's six-year term as President of the Constitutional Council, President Gbagbo ap...