



你睡了吗:Did you sleep?双语例句:你睡了吗,孩子?Are you asleep, son?你爱人让你睡了吗?Did your wife let you sleep?我想听,你在深夜里那句孤单的你睡了吗。I just want to say, I love you so much.然后,他走到小男孩的房间敲门说,儿子,你睡了吗?Then he went to the ...


更多关于英语的知识 > 正在求助 换一换 回答问题,赢新手礼包 苦等16分钟: 传说耳环的选择 应该选哪个比较好 回答 苦等25分钟: 为什么说着装很安静的小姐姐是男人心仪的对象 回答 苦等27分钟: 西安有哪些租车app 回答 苦等28分钟: V6引擎和L6引擎的区别及优劣 回答 苦等30分钟: 愚人节,怎么愚人最...


追问 谢谢你哦,不过我已经知道了,呵呵 我还想问你可以么 回答 问把,能帮一定帮到你 追问 嗯嗯谢谢哦,“以前很少读英文书刊,现在大量读英语书刊”用英语怎么说? 回答 Previously, I seldom read English books, but now I read them a lot. 追问 谢谢哈!! 评论| 2013-10-07 07:58tynll123456|五级 Let...


你呢的英文翻译是What about you?what about you 英 [hwɔt əˈbaut ju:] 美 [hwɑt əˈbaʊt ju]你呢;双语例句1. What about you? Would you like to come and live in Paris and work for me?你呢?愿意到巴黎生活并且为我工作吗?2. " ...


have you hear of a the singer of the USA?her name is beyonce.she is my idol,and is known for her song -- If I were a Boy.she have song for Obama in 2008.


你真正了解过我吗?英语:1) Do you really understand me?2) Did you really understand me?


I didn't drink for many years but now I really want to been drunk. I do miss you, I really miss you.I will be satisfied if I know that you live well. My dear, you must be happy.


your life are always full of happiness,aren't you?I wonder if your heart be broken either ?


A: 这个寒假我要去欧洲旅行。你要什么计划?B: 我必须待在家里为高考做准备。“我要去欧洲旅行”大家最普遍的说法是” I want to travel to Europe.” 用 travel to somewhere 来表示“到某处旅行”,但是,英语口语中还有一个更加地道的表达为go on a tour of somewhere,比如到欧洲旅行,就可以...
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