



1.《西游记》英语读后感 The most loyal of the four masters and disciples is monk Sha. He is loyal and honest and wants to get the Sutra, which makes me sigh. Zhu Bajie, we all know that he is lecherous, delicious and fun. He is greedy and can't do anything. When he is in troub...


ate the golden elixir, and made the heaven turn upside down. Qi Tian Da Sheng went back to Huaguo Mountain and drank his wine with the little monkeys, which made the Jade Emperor angry. At last, he ordered Erlang God to catch him.【篇三】《西游记》英语读后感集合 I see jour...


1.《西游记》优秀英语读后感 Journey to the west is one of the four famous works in China. I am proud of journey to the West and my motherland. In the works of Wu Chengen, a novelist in the Ming Dynasty, every character is so lifelike that I can't get tired of seeing it. Every ...


Read the "Journey to the West," I said with deep feeling, paper twists of plot and Tang Monk's quirky mentoring experience left me a deep impression.This book tells the reader of Tang Seng Luo Guanzhong and the other three disciples along the way passing through numerous, Jiang...




in Paris in the mid 1800's, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past. Unfortunately, it comes back to haunt her and she ends up returning to that life and dies painfully and alone, but with the knowledge...


book, telling many adventurous stories. I had watched the TV series before, but I found that the book is much interesting. Except for the adventurous experiences, we still can learn something from this book.全文参考英语作文网吧: http://www.adreep.cn/cz/50219.html lcl1977 ...


下面是我给大家带来的《西游记》 读后感 800字通用(10篇),以供大家参考! 《西游记》读后感800字通用1 《西游记》这本书如今早已经是无人不知,无人不晓了,作为四大名著之一的它,如今早就不知有多少电视剧是把它作为剧本。我也从这本名著中悟出了一个道理:坚持才会成功。 《西游记》主要讲的是孙悟空学到...


观看《西游记》读后感及启示1 《西游记》是明朝吴承恩写的一本神话小说,是我国四大名著之一。 《西游记》主要讲的是唐僧师徒四人经历九九八十一难后,在西天取得《真经》的故事,剧情一波三折。 书中的主人公都个性鲜明:机智正义、是非分明的孙悟空;大腹便便、贪吃偷懒的猪八戒;忠厚老实、认劳认怨的沙和尚;心地善良...


西游记读后感篇1 《西游记》是我国四大名著之一,是一部非常优秀的作品。其中充满了离奇,精彩的神话故事,每每读起《西游记》,总是会融入那精彩的情节之中。 我不禁感叹:唐僧师徒四人,真是千辛万苦啊!在去西天取经的途中碰到了龙王,白骨精,蜘蛛精等妖魔,一路上唐僧师徒四人受尽了煎熬!孙悟空一路降妖伏魔,可是,在三...
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