
一句话 whatever are you doing up here? doing up 没钱了..汗那...


what are you doing?和what you are doing有什么区别

"What are you doing?"是一个完整的疑问句,用于询问对方当前正在进行的活动。而"What you are doing"则是一个名词性从句,用于指代某人正在进行的活动,并可作为主语、宾语或表语使用。前者常用于非正式场合,而后者更适用于正式书面语或对行为进行批评、询问或反思的场合。详细的内容如下所示。从释义...


he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. 'Whatever are you doing up here Bill ?' asked the vicar in surprise.' I'm trying to repair the bell,' answered Bill.' I've been coming up here night after night for weeks now....

What are you doing?这句话的语法

Are you from Japan﹖Yes I am. / No I'm not.Is her sister doing her homework now﹖Yes she is. / No she isn't.Does he work in a bank﹖Yes he does. / No he doesn't.Do you live near your school﹖Yes I do. / No I don't.Can you speak French﹖Yes I ...


Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. 'Whatever are you doing up here Bill?' asked the vicar in surprise. “I'm trying ...

英语how are doing和what are you doing区别是什么?

首先,how are you doing 是问近来怎样 过得怎么样 回答用 not bad 或者everything is ok.而what are you doing 是你正在干什么 回答I am doing my homework 总之用现在进行时回答。其次,前者表示最近怎么样,你好吗,How is everything going?是美国很流行的打招呼方式像我们课本学的 how do ...

over,do,help, go,make 在口语中的用法?

邮局在那一边.do欲表达“产生速度“、“制作“等含意时,不须使用深奥的字汇,只要利用一个do就可适切地表达真正的意思。因此若能习惯使用do的说法,就可在日常会话中得心应手。 do 做 A: What you doing here? B: What? A: What are you doing in Berkeley! A: 你到这里做什么呢? B: 你说什么。 A...


Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. 同位语‘Whatever are you doing up here Bill?’ asked the vicar in surprise.‘I’m ...


"Whatever are you doing up here Bill ?" asked the vicar in surprise."I'm trying to repair the bell," answered Bill." I've been coming up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.""You certainly did give me a surprise!"said ...


What are you doing?~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【采纳回答】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!


起效、发挥作用常见的有:work,effective kick in 踢 ,启动 ,发挥。 常见于:动物的天性、事物、机制等等的,药的方面很少见。Take effect 生效,奏效; 这个单词最常见实在:条例,文件、规则、规定和要求等等的方面,在药的方面少见得很。个人见解,希望帮助到你。
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