网上找的,试试吧!两人对话 A: Good evening! What can I do for you?B: I'm looking for a pair of black shoes.A: What size do you want?B: Size 10.A: Sorry, I afraid we haven't got any black shoes in that size at the moment. We've got some brown ones.B: Have ...
A: Hi, Bruce!你好,Bruce!B: Hi, Alice! How are you?你好嘛,Alice!A: Pretty good. The summer vacation is approaching, do you have any plan for it?还不错。暑假就要到了,你有什么计划吗?B: I want to go to Disneyland in Los Angeles.我要去洛杉矶的迪士尼乐园。A: That's...
3.【travel plan旅行版本:Receptionist: Hey, sir, how can I help you today?Customer: Hi. I just want to make a travel plan.Receptionist: Okay. Please just hold for a second while I transfer your call to the Planning Department.Customer: Thank you.after 5 second Person from ...
what subject do you like, Jenny?l like English best. what about you,Lucy?l like maths best.
A对B说。嗨。好久不见。你在哪个专业学习呢。?A: Hi, haven't seen you for a while, where are you studying?B说。我在油画系,你呢 B: I am doing Arts major in oil painting, how about you?A。好巧,我也是。你课余时间都做些什么来丰富自己的生活啊。?A: How nice, I am in...
A:Good morning , B B: Good morning. How are you?A: I 'm fine. Thank you. And you ?B: Fine. Thank you.A: let me introduce my friend C to you.B: Nice to meet you.C: Nice to meet you, too.B: Where will you go ?A: We will go to C's home. Today is his...
这组对话只有看到最后才好玩,有趣。A:I want some envelopes,please.B:Do you want the large size or the small size?A:The large size,please.Do you have any writing paper?B:Yes,we do.I don't have any small pads.I only have large ones.Do you want a pad?A:Yes,please.And...
a:Here's the hotel,a . Do you need any help?b:No, that's quite alright. Thanks for the offer.c:Don't mention it. I'll come by Sunday morning at 07:00. We eat breakfast together first and then we go to my apartment. At there we can recall the past ,by the ...
英语情景对话(三个人)每人不必说太多!... 英语情景对话(三个人)每人不必说太多! 展开 3个回答 #热议# 生活中有哪些成瘾食物?1043568671 2013-07-13 · TA获得超过496个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:193 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:61.9万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 你自己选个故事改编成...
(见到你也很高兴!哇塞,你英语可真不错!注:Amazing 是美国人常用口头语,表示 ”棒得让人感到惊喜“)Jenny: Oh, thank you, I'm flattered!(哦,谢谢,过奖了。注:flatter本意是”奉承“的意思,I'm flattered是美国常用口语,表过奖,感到被夸奖的意思)B: No, I mean it, your ...