
中译英 8句


请帮忙翻译几个句子 汉译英

1、晚饭后你通常干什么 What do you usually do after dinner 2、哪本书适合儿童阅读 which the book is fit for children 3、我们的教室干净明亮 Our classroom is bright and clean 4、英语是一门必修课吗 Is English a compulsory subject 5、你经常从图书馆借小说吗 Do you often borrow ...


1.提供额外英语教学的私立学校如雨后春笋般涌现(supplemendation)Private schools offering supplemental(你弄错了吧,没有supplemendation这个词耶)English education are mushrooming.2.我由于一位朋友的推荐而买了这本杂志(recommendation)I bought this magazine at the recommendation of a friend.3....

翻译句子 汉译英 高手进!

6.你总是能看出沉溺游戏中的年轻甚至于成年人 You can always find out the youth and cannot so much as ignore adults who are swallowing in games.7.饲养宠物带来了一些缺点 Breeding pets has brought a few of shortcoming.8.孩子们被他们家饲养的宠物所伤害 The children were wounded by ...

英语翻译中文 英译中(不要在线翻译)

1、想去飞机头部窗口的位置 2、不要在机翼上 5、可以免费品尝样品 6、想去飞机头部窗口连号的三个位置 8、想去飞机头部窗口连号的三个位置 9、想去飞机头部窗口连号的三个位置 10、不在机翼内 你这个英文一点也不通顺,或者说没有一句是完整而通顺的英语。我是按字面意义给你翻译的 中译英 1、...


1. 我学习英语已经有六年了 I've learned English for six years.I've been learning English for six years.2. 我去过北京有三次 I've been to Beijing three times.3. 自从我第一次见到他,我们互相写信已有十年了 We've written to each other for 7 years since I met him for the ...

中译英:1、早上,你什么时候吃早餐?2、我永远不会放弃 3、他向警方自首...

1. 早上,你什么时候吃早餐?. in the morning, when you eat breakfast?2 .我永远不会放弃 I will never give up 3 他向警方自首 .He surrendered to police 4 请立即上交你们的练习册 .Immediately turned over to your exercise books 5. 别把那本书送人,我还需要他 Do ...

短句中译英 初中难度(不在线翻译)

1.Someone strongly objects to developing the private car.2.The handicaped child finished this job on his own.3.In the past,many people learnt English on the radio.4.He owed his success to the encouragement of his teacher.5.He paid 10 pounds for this cellphone.6.We should pay...

英语句子翻译 高中水平 汉译英

5.只是在那时,我才认识到健康的重要性(only放句首倒装)Only then, did I realise the importance of health.6.我强烈反对浪费时间(object)I strongly object wasting time.7.我们的粮食快用完了,我们感到很无助(run out of)We are about to run out of food, which makes us helpless.8...


7. 如果他以前没有不断地练习讲英语,那么他现在就不能如此出色地用英语表达思想。If he hadn't repeatedly practised speaking English, he could't be able to express himself so excellently.8. 如果你昨天帮她搬家具的话,她今晚就会请你跳舞了。If you had helped her move the furniture, ...


1.If you need something,please don't hesitate to tell me.2.I guess that you want to get down to business this morning.3.The performance of the dancer on the stage is graceful.4.In order not to let my parents down,I have to catch up with my classmates as soon as ...
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